Netscan last updated on Tue Sep 16 15:55:19 HST 2003

Info from "nscomment"/DNS Statistics from "nmap" Statistics from "/proc" (Linux only)
Up  High  TCP   Operating System Boothost Ether CPUs Mem Swap Data Disk Load
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Down Mon_16:40
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Up Windows
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
2266 6000 Linux 2.4-kernel
Not a network-managed Linux box.
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Up 80 AirStation Wireless
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Up 80 AirStation Wireless
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Up Windows
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Up Windows
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
6000 Sidious 2.4-kernel
Not a network-managed Linux box.
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Down Thu_09:40 Windows
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Down Tue_15:28
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Up Windows
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Down Fri_16:27 Windows
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Up Microsoft Microsoft NT 4.0 SP5-SP6
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Down Sun_17:22 6000 Linux 2.4-kernel
Not a network-managed Linux box.
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
6000 Sidious 2.4-kernel
Not a network-managed Linux box.
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Down Sat_18:02 2266 6000 Linux 2.4-kernel
lawe 100FD 1296 375M NONE 0.02
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Down Mon_21:03 Windows
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Up 80 AirStation Wireless
Waimea / waimea / web access only (visitor)
Down Tue_05:51 Windows
Down Windows
Down 1024 1026 6000 Linux 2.4-kernel
Not a network-managed Linux box.
80 NetBSD 1.3I through 1.6
Down Mon_17:04 6000
Down Tue_11:15
2266 Draytek Vigor 2200e DSL router v2.1b|FreeSCO 0.27 (Linux kernel 2.0.38)|Linux kernel 2.2.16|Linux kernel 2.4.18 (x86)|Linux 2.4-kernel|Linux kernel 2.4.20|Siemens Speedstream 2602 DSL/Cable router|Microsoft Xbox running Debian Linux 2.4.20
Down Tue_10:39 Turtle Beach AudioTron 100 network MP3 player|Windows
Down Tue_15:40 Windows
Down Tue_07:20 Turtle Beach AudioTron 100 network MP3 player|Windows
2266 Draytek Vigor 2200e DSL router v2.1b|FreeSCO 0.27 (Linux kernel 2.0.38)|Linux kernel 2.2.16|Linux kernel 2.4.18 (x86)|Linux 2.4-kernel|Linux kernel 2.4.20|Siemens Speedstream 2602 DSL/Cable router|Microsoft Xbox running Debian Linux 2.4.20
*** ERROR: kapu[] is in trusted-suns group but apparently not running Solaris
*** WARNING: nehe[] reconfig - warning: SIDIOUS_XF86_RESOLUTION: non-standard screen size selected
*** WARNING: buttle[] reconfig - warning: SIDIOUS_XF86_RESOLUTION: non-standard screen size selected
*** WARNING: civetta[] has 0 Kb swap.
*** WARNING: civetta[] reconfig - warning: core files are disabled.
*** WARNING: civetta[] reconfig - warning: LOGHOST is not set. Even for stand-alone hosts,
*** WARNING: civetta[] reconfig - warning: the recommended setting is for waimea
*** WARNING: civetta[] reconfig - warning: and for the summit.
*** ERROR: luau[] is in trusted-suns group but running Linux 2.0.27 - 2.0.30 instead of Solaris
*** WARNING: oli[] has 0 Kb swap.
*** WARNING: oli[] reconfig - error: One of the following three profiles must be selected:
*** WARNING: oli[] reconfig - cfht-standalone, cfht-netclient, or cfht-custom. The latter
*** WARNING: oli[] reconfig - allows all settings to be customized just like "standard".
*** WARNING: oli[] reconfig - warning: VMWare support is experimental.
*** WARNING: oli[] reconfig - warning: SSH password authentication or empty passwords are enabled!
*** WARNING: oli[] reconfig - warning: fstab: Swap is now auto-detected and can be removed from fstab
*** WARNING: oli[] reconfig - warning: only EXT2 RAID filesystems need to be mounted in rc.local
*** WARNING: umi[] has 0 Kb swap.
*** WARNING: umi[] reconfig - warning: VMWare support is experimental.
*** WARNING: umi[] reconfig - warning: The recommended location for rmtab is "/local/data/.rmtab"
*** WARNING: umi[] reconfig - warning: (assuming /local/data is an exported filesystem.)
*** WARNING: umi[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: umi[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: umi[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: umi[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: umi[] reconfig - warning: SIDIOUS_XF86_RESOLUTION: non-standard screen size selected
*** WARNING: umi[] reconfig - warning: This host is not using the standard root.tgz which would
*** WARNING: umi[] reconfig - warning: allow central-services to log in securely. The setting
*** WARNING: umi[] reconfig - warning: SIDIOUS_CUSTOM_ROOT_TGZ should be set to the following:
*** WARNING: umi[] reconfig - warning: /usr/local/lib/cfht-netclient-root.tgz
*** ERROR: centserv[] went down Tue_11:28
*** ERROR: dad[] is in linuxsaf but apparently not running linux
*** WARNING: anu[] reconfig - status: --- cfht-check-config for /etc/sidious.config ---
*** WARNING: anu[] reconfig - warning: hosts.equiv is handled automatically if a CFHT profile
*** WARNING: anu[] reconfig - warning: is selected in reconfig.
*** WARNING: anu[] reconfig - warning: The recommended location for rmtab is "/local/data/.rmtab"
*** WARNING: anu[] reconfig - warning: (assuming /local/data is an exported filesystem.)
*** WARNING: anu[] reconfig - error: fstab: The entry for /mnt/floppy is ext2 and should be fsck'd on
*** WARNING: anu[] reconfig - error: fstab: pass 2. I.e., column 6 should be a 2
*** WARNING: anu[] reconfig - warning: This host is not using the standard root.tgz which would
*** WARNING: anu[] reconfig - warning: allow central-services to log in securely. The setting
*** WARNING: anu[] reconfig - warning: SIDIOUS_CUSTOM_ROOT_TGZ should be set to the following:
*** WARNING: anu[] reconfig - warning: /usr/local/lib/cfht-netclient-root.tgz
*** WARNING: mohala[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: mohala[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: mohala[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: mohala[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: pana[] has 0 Kb swap.
*** WARNING: [] (now Down) was Windows but DNS says this IP is unused.
*** WARNING: alala[] is in trusted linux but no info was obtained via ssh
*** ERROR: lolita[] is in trusted-suns group but running Windows instead of Solaris
*** WARNING: [] (now Down) was but DNS says this IP is unused.
*** WARNING: [] (now Down) was but DNS says this IP is unused.
*** WARNING: waimea-dhcp4[] was used by an AirStation wireless which should probably be assigned a static IP
*** WARNING: waimea-dhcp5[] was used by an AirStation wireless which should probably be assigned a static IP
*** WARNING: akia[] reconfig - warning: SIDIOUS_XF86_RESOLUTION: non-standard screen size selected
*** WARNING: kou[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: kou[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: kou[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: kou[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: kou[] reconfig - warning: fstab: Swap is now auto-detected and can be removed from fstab
*** WARNING: hooko[] has 0 Kb swap.
*** WARNING: hooko[] reconfig - warning: This host is not on NIS.
*** WARNING: hooko[] reconfig - warning: SIDIOUS_IDE_DMA is not on. Hard drive performance will
*** WARNING: hooko[] reconfig - warning: be improved if you are able to turn this option on.
*** WARNING: hooko[] reconfig - warning: core files are disabled.
*** WARNING: hooko[] reconfig - warning: The inetd (rsh, telnet, etc.) is disabled.
*** WARNING: hooko[] reconfig - warning: only EXT2 RAID filesystems need to be mounted in rc.local
*** WARNING: ulei[] reconfig - warning: SIDIOUS_XF86_RESOLUTION: non-standard screen size selected
*** WARNING: kokio[] reconfig - warning: SIDIOUS_XF86_RESOLUTION: non-standard screen size selected
*** WARNING: tahinu[] reconfig - warning: SIDIOUS_XF86_RESOLUTION: non-standard screen size selected
*** WARNING: dethost3[] has 0 Kb swap.
*** WARNING: dethost4[] is in trusted linux but no info was obtained via ssh
*** ERROR: kualani[] is in linuxsaf but running Windows instead of linux
*** WARNING: huelo[] reconfig - status: --- cfht-check-config for /etc/sidious.config ---
*** WARNING: huelo[] reconfig - warning: The recommended location for rmtab is "/local/data/.rmtab"
*** WARNING: huelo[] reconfig - warning: (assuming /local/data is an exported filesystem.)
*** WARNING: huelo[] reconfig - warning: SIDIOUS_XF86_SVGA_CHIPS_FPIT is selected instead of the modular X-Server
*** WARNING: huelo[] reconfig - warning: The modular X-Server (version 4.2.0) should now support all graphics
*** WARNING: huelo[] reconfig - warning: hardware currently in use at CFHT, so it's the recommended one.
*** WARNING: huelo[] reconfig - warning: fstab: No swap space is defined.
*** WARNING: huelo[] reconfig - warning: This host is not using the standard root.tgz which would
*** WARNING: huelo[] reconfig - warning: allow central-services to log in securely. The setting
*** WARNING: huelo[] reconfig - warning: SIDIOUS_CUSTOM_ROOT_TGZ should be set to the following:
*** WARNING: huelo[] reconfig - warning: /usr/local/lib/cfht-netclient-root.tgz
*** WARNING: schizoid[] reconfig - warning: SIDIOUS_XF86_RESOLUTION: non-standard screen size selected
*** WARNING: kiele[] reconfig - warning: SIDIOUS_XF86_RESOLUTION: non-standard screen size selected
*** ERROR: kiki[] is in linuxsaf but running Windows instead of linux
*** WARNING: [] (now Down) was Windows but DNS says this IP is unused.
*** WARNING: waimea-dhcp9[] has 0 Kb swap.
*** WARNING: ahi[] reconfig - status: --- cfht-check-config for /etc/sidious.config ---
*** WARNING: ahi[] reconfig - warning: The recommended location for rmtab is "/local/data/.rmtab"
*** WARNING: ahi[] reconfig - warning: (assuming /local/data is an exported filesystem.)
*** WARNING: ahi[] reconfig - error: fstab: The entry for /mnt/floppy is ext2 and should be fsck'd on
*** WARNING: ahi[] reconfig - error: fstab: pass 2. I.e., column 6 should be a 2
*** WARNING: ahi[] reconfig - warning: This host is not using the standard root.tgz which would
*** WARNING: ahi[] reconfig - warning: allow central-services to log in securely. The setting
*** WARNING: ahi[] reconfig - warning: SIDIOUS_CUSTOM_ROOT_TGZ should be set to the following:
*** WARNING: ahi[] reconfig - warning: /usr/local/lib/cfht-netclient-root.tgz
*** WARNING: waimea-dhcp11[] was used by an AirStation wireless which should probably be assigned a static IP
*** ERROR: kamala[] is in linuxsaf but running Windows instead of linux
*** ERROR: aeo[] is in linuxsaf but apparently not running linux
*** ERROR: [] is Cisco IOS 12.0(5)WC3 - 12.0(16a) but DNS says this IP is unused.
*** WARNING: kolea[] has 0 Kb swap.
*** WARNING: kolea[] ran out of memory and killed stuff recently
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - warning: LOGHOST is set to
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - warning: The recommended setting is for waimea
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - warning: and for the summit.
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - warning: The recommended location for rmtab is "/local/data/.rmtab"
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - warning: (assuming /local/data is an exported filesystem.)
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - warning: fstab: Swap is now auto-detected and can be removed from fstab
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - error: fstab: Some entrie(s) are missing their passno/dump columns
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - Check the man page for fstab for more information. The command
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - cat /proc/mounts
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - gives output that is acceptable for use in the fstab.
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - warning: This host is not using the standard root.tgz which would
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - warning: allow central-services to log in securely. The setting
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - warning: SIDIOUS_CUSTOM_ROOT_TGZ should be set to the following:
*** WARNING: uhane[] reconfig - warning: /usr/local/lib/cfht-netclient-root.tgz
*** WARNING: koa[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: koa[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: koa[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: koa[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** ERROR: kiawe[] is in linuxsaf but apparently not running linux
*** WARNING: pono[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: pono[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: pono[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: pono[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: loa[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: loa[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: loa[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: loa[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: kahea[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: kahea[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: kahea[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: kahea[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: kahea[] reconfig - warning: fstab: Swap is now auto-detected and can be removed from fstab
*** WARNING: kahea[] reconfig - warning: only EXT2 RAID filesystems need to be mounted in rc.local
*** WARNING: kalani[] reconfig - warning: LOGHOST is set to
*** WARNING: kalani[] reconfig - warning: The recommended setting is for waimea
*** WARNING: kalani[] reconfig - warning: and for the summit.
*** WARNING: kalani[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: kalani[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: kalani[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: kalani[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: kalani[] reconfig - warning: only EXT2 RAID filesystems need to be mounted in rc.local
*** WARNING: noni[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: noni[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: noni[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: noni[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** ERROR: pelmo[] is in linuxsaf but apparently not running linux
*** WARNING: naia[] needs to have hyperthreading disabled in the bios
*** WARNING: naia[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: naia[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: naia[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: naia[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: naia[] reconfig - warning: fstab: Swap is now auto-detected and can be removed from fstab
*** WARNING: ulu[] needs to have hyperthreading disabled in the bios
*** WARNING: ulu[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: ulu[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: ulu[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: ulu[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: manao[] reconfig - warning: The recommended location for rmtab is "/local/data/.rmtab"
*** WARNING: manao[] reconfig - warning: (assuming /local/data is an exported filesystem.)
*** WARNING: manao[] reconfig - error: fstab: is not a device
*** WARNING: manao[] reconfig - error: fstab: Some entrie(s) are missing their passno/dump columns
*** WARNING: manao[] reconfig - Check the man page for fstab for more information. The command
*** WARNING: manao[] reconfig - cat /proc/mounts
*** WARNING: manao[] reconfig - gives output that is acceptable for use in the fstab.
*** WARNING: manao[] reconfig - warning: only EXT2 RAID filesystems need to be mounted in rc.local
*** WARNING: hau[] needs to have hyperthreading disabled in the bios
*** WARNING: hau[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: hau[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: hau[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: hau[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: naupaka[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: naupaka[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: naupaka[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: naupaka[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: kukio[] needs to have hyperthreading disabled in the bios
*** WARNING: kukio[] reconfig - error: fstab: There is no point in adding hard drive partitions as
*** WARNING: kukio[] reconfig - local /tmp space. Instead, reformat the partition as swap and add
*** WARNING: kukio[] reconfig - it as another swap partition. Since /tmp uses tmpfs, it will auto-
*** WARNING: kukio[] reconfig - matically be able to use the extra space. Creating a local /tmp
*** WARNING: kukio[] reconfig - that is a formatted filesystem may cover existing files from the
*** WARNING: kukio[] reconfig - boot process or have other undesirable effects
*** WARNING: kahilu[] needs to have hyperthreading disabled in the bios
*** WARNING: kahilu[] reconfig - error: fstab: There is no point in adding hard drive partitions as
*** WARNING: kahilu[] reconfig - local /tmp space. Instead, reformat the partition as swap and add
*** WARNING: kahilu[] reconfig - it as another swap partition. Since /tmp uses tmpfs, it will auto-
*** WARNING: kahilu[] reconfig - matically be able to use the extra space. Creating a local /tmp
*** WARNING: kahilu[] reconfig - that is a formatted filesystem may cover existing files from the
*** WARNING: kahilu[] reconfig - boot process or have other undesirable effects
*** WARNING: makiki[] is running an experimental kernel
*** WARNING: makiki[] reconfig - warning: only EXT2 RAID filesystems need to be mounted in rc.local
*** WARNING: kiholo[] is running an experimental kernel
*** WARNING: anoai[] reconfig - warning: LOGHOST is set to
*** WARNING: anoai[] reconfig - warning: The recommended setting is for waimea
*** WARNING: anoai[] reconfig - warning: and for the summit.
*** WARNING: pahu[] is running an experimental kernel
*** WARNING: pahu[] needs to have hyperthreading disabled in the bios
*** WARNING: pahu[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: pahu[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: pahu[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: pahu[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: lihau[] is running an experimental kernel
*** WARNING: lihau[] needs to have hyperthreading disabled in the bios
*** WARNING: lihau[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: lihau[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: lihau[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: lihau[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: lihau[] reconfig - error: fstab: is not a device
*** WARNING: lihau[] reconfig - error: fstab: Some entrie(s) are missing their passno/dump columns
*** WARNING: lihau[] reconfig - Check the man page for fstab for more information. The command
*** WARNING: lihau[] reconfig - cat /proc/mounts
*** WARNING: lihau[] reconfig - gives output that is acceptable for use in the fstab.
*** WARNING: lihau[] reconfig - error: fstab: There is no point in adding hard drive partitions as
*** WARNING: lihau[] reconfig - local /tmp space. Instead, reformat the partition as swap and add
*** WARNING: lihau[] reconfig - it as another swap partition. Since /tmp uses tmpfs, it will auto-
*** WARNING: lihau[] reconfig - matically be able to use the extra space. Creating a local /tmp
*** WARNING: lihau[] reconfig - that is a formatted filesystem may cover existing files from the
*** WARNING: lihau[] reconfig - boot process or have other undesirable effects
*** WARNING: mopua[] is running an experimental kernel
*** WARNING: mopua[] needs to have hyperthreading disabled in the bios
*** WARNING: mopua[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: mopua[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: mopua[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: mopua[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: mopua[] reconfig - error: fstab: is not a device
*** WARNING: mopua[] reconfig - error: fstab: Some entrie(s) are missing their passno/dump columns
*** WARNING: mopua[] reconfig - Check the man page for fstab for more information. The command
*** WARNING: mopua[] reconfig - cat /proc/mounts
*** WARNING: mopua[] reconfig - gives output that is acceptable for use in the fstab.
*** WARNING: mopua[] reconfig - error: fstab: There is no point in adding hard drive partitions as
*** WARNING: mopua[] reconfig - local /tmp space. Instead, reformat the partition as swap and add
*** WARNING: mopua[] reconfig - it as another swap partition. Since /tmp uses tmpfs, it will auto-
*** WARNING: mopua[] reconfig - matically be able to use the extra space. Creating a local /tmp
*** WARNING: mopua[] reconfig - that is a formatted filesystem may cover existing files from the
*** WARNING: mopua[] reconfig - boot process or have other undesirable effects
*** WARNING: mamane[] is running an experimental kernel
*** WARNING: mamane[] needs to have hyperthreading disabled in the bios
*** WARNING: mamane[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: mamane[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: mamane[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: mamane[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: mamane[] reconfig - warning: fstab: Swap is now auto-detected and can be removed from fstab
*** WARNING: naio[] is running an experimental kernel
*** WARNING: naio[] needs to have hyperthreading disabled in the bios
*** WARNING: naio[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: naio[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: naio[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: naio[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: naio[] reconfig - warning: fstab: Swap is now auto-detected and can be removed from fstab
*** WARNING: hanu[] is running an experimental kernel
*** WARNING: hanu[] needs to have hyperthreading disabled in the bios
*** WARNING: hanu[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: hanu[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: hanu[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: hanu[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: hanu[] reconfig - warning: fstab: Swap is now auto-detected and can be removed from fstab
*** WARNING: akalani[] is running an experimental kernel
*** WARNING: akalani[] reconfig - warning: The no_root_squash option compromises the security
*** WARNING: akalani[] reconfig - warning: of this server when used in combination with rw.
*** WARNING: akalani[] reconfig - warning: Either remove no_root_squash or make the filesystem
*** WARNING: akalani[] reconfig - warning: read-only (ro,no_root_squash).
*** WARNING: upena[] is running an experimental kernel