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soelim - resolve and eliminate .so requests from nroff or troff input


soelim [ filename ... ]




soelim reads the specified files or the standard input and performs the textual inclusion implied by the nroff(1) directives of the form

when they appear at the beginning of input lines. This is useful since programs such as tbl(1) do not normally do this; it allows the placement of individual tables in separate files to be run as a part of a large document.

An argument consisting of ‘-’ is taken to be a file name corresponding to the standard input.

Note: Inclusion can be suppressed by using ‘’ instead of ‘.’, that is,

’ so /usr/share/lib/tmac/tmac.s


A sample usage of soelim would be

example% soelim exum?.n | tbl | nroff -ms | col | lpr

See Also

more(1) , nroff(1) , tbl(1)

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