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groff_man - groff ‘man’ macros to support generation of man pages


[options ...] [files ...] [options ...] [files ...]


The man macros used to generate man~pages with groff were written by James Clark. This document provides a brief summary of the use of each macro in that package.


The man macros understand the following command line options (which define various registers).
This option (the default if in nroff mode) creates a single, very long page instead of multiple pages. Say -rcR=0 to disable it.
If more than one manual page is given on the command line, number the pages continuously, rather than starting each at~1.
Double-sided printing. Footers for even and odd pages are formatted differently.
Set distance of the footer relative to the bottom of the page if negative or relative to the top if positive. The default is -0.5i.
Set hyphenation flags. Possible values are 1~to hyphenate without restrictions, 2~to not hyphenate the last word on a page, 4~to not hyphenate the last two characters of a word, and 8~to not hyphenate the first two characters of a word. These values are additive; the default is~14.
Set body text indentation to width. The default is 7n for nroff, 7.2n for troff. For nroff, this value should always be an integer multiple of unit ‘n’ to get consistent indentation.
Set line length. If this option is not given, the line length is set to respect any value set by a prior ‘.ll’ request, (which must be in effect when the ‘.TH’ macro is invoked), if this differs from the built-in default for the formatter; otherwise it defaults to 78n in nroff mode and 6.5i in troff mode.
Note that the use of a ‘.ll’ request to initialize the line length
is supported for backward compatibility with some versions of the man program; direct initialization of the ‘LL’ register should always be preferred to the use of such a request. In particular, note that a ‘.ll 65n’ request does not preserve the normal nroff default line length, (the man default initialization to 78n prevails), whereas, the ‘-rLL=65n’ option, or an equivalent ‘.nr LL 65n’ request preceding the use of the ‘TH’ macro, does set a line length of 65n.
Set title length. If this option is not given, the title length defaults to the line length.
Enumeration of pages start with nnn rather than with~1.
Base document font size is xx points (xx can be 10, 11, or~12) rather than 10~points.
Set sub-subheading indentation to width. The default is 3n.
After page~nnn, number pages as nnna, nnnb, nnnc, etc. For example, the option ‘-rX2’ produces the following page numbers: 1, 2, 2a, 2b, 2c, etc.


This section describes the available macros for manual pages. For further customization, put additional macros and requests into the file man.local which is loaded immediately after the man package.