#include <curses.h>
int attroff(int attrs);
int wattroff(WINDOW *win, int attrs);
int attron(int attrs);
int wattron(WINDOW *win, int attrs);
int attrset(int attrs);
int wattrset(WINDOW *win, int attrs);
int standend(void);
int wstandend(WINDOW *win);
int standout (void);
int wstandout(WINDOW *win);
The routine attrset() sets the current attributes of the given window to attrs. The routine attroff() turns off the named attributes without turning any other attributes on or off. The routine attron() turns on the named attributes without affecting any others. The routine standout() is the same as attron(A_STANDOUT ). The routine standend() is the same as attrset(), that is, it turns off all attributes.
A_STANDOUT Best highlighting mode of the terminal. A_UNDERLINE Underlining A_REVERSE Reverse video A_BLINK Blinking A_DIM Half bright A_BOLD Extra bright or bold A_ALTCHARSET Alternate character set A_CHARTEXT Bit-mask to extract a character COLOR_PAIR(n) Color-pair number n
The following macro is the reverse of COLOR_PAIR (n):
PAIR_NUMBER(attrs) Returns the pair number associated with the COLOR_PAIR(n) attribute.
The header <curses.h> automatically includes the headers <stdio.h> and <unctrl.h>.
Note that attroff(), wattroff(), attron(), wattron(), wattrset(), standend(), and standout() may be macros.