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    cachefswssize(1M) manual page Table of Contents


cachefswssize - Determine working set size for cachefs


cachefswssize logfile




The cachefswssize command displays the workspace size determined from logfile. This includes the amount of cache space needed for each filesystem that was mounted under the cache, as well as a total.


example% cachefswssize /var/tmp/samlog
/home/samend size:10688khigh water size:10704k/fooend size:128khigh water
size:128k/usr/distend size:1472khigh water size:1472ktotal for cacheinitial
size:110960kend size:12288khigh water size:12304k

Exit Status

The following exit values are returned:
  1. success
    an error has occurred.

    See Also

    cachefslog(1M) , cachefsstat(1M) , cfsadmin(1M)


    problems were encountered writing log file
    There were problems encountered when the kernel was writing the logfile. The most common problem is running out of disk space.
    invalid log file
    The logfile is not a valid logfile or was created with a newer version of Solaris than the one where cachefswssize is running.

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