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cuserid - get character login name of the user


#include <stdio.h>

char *cuserid(char *s);




cuserid() generates a character-string representation of the login name that the owner of the current process is logged in under. If s is a NULL pointer, this representation is generated in an internal static area, the address of which is returned. Otherwise, s is assumed to point to an array of at least L_cuserid characters; the representation is left in this array. The constant L_cuserid is defined in the <stdio.h> header.

Return Values

If the login name cannot be found, cuserid() returns a NULL pointer; if s is not a NULL pointer, a null character ‘\0’ will be placed at s[0].

See Also

getlogin(3C) , getpwnam(3C)


In multi-thread applications, the caller must always supply an array s for the return value.

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