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discover4x - analyze the SunOS 4.x client support after converting to Solaris 2.x


/usr/sbin/discover4x [ export_root ]




discover4x analyzes the support that remains for SunOS 4.x clients after the server has been converted to Solaris 2.x.

The discover4x command is most commonly used after a SunOS 4.x server has been upgraded to a Solaris 2.x server. This command looks at the SunOS 4.x client support that exists and creates the databases that are required for installation of SunOS 4.x diskless/dataless clients on this Solaris 2.x server. If client support for a given architecture is missing, discover4x attempts to notify the user that they will have to re-install this support using install4x(1M) . If you are converting clients that have the same architecture as the server that was converted to Solaris 2.x, you must re-install that architecture using the install4x(1M) command.


Specify the location of the base directory of the client hierarchy that discover4x should analyze. If unspecified, the default is /export.

See Also

convert4x(1M) , install4x(1M)

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