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sysbus, isa, eisa, mca - configuration files for ISA, EISA, and MCA bus device drivers



PowerPC Edition


Solaris for x86 platform supports the ISA, EISA, and MCA buses as the system bus. Solaris (PowerPC Edition) supports the ISA bus as the system bus. Drivers for devices on these buses use driver configuration files to inform the system that the device hardware may be present (see driver.conf(4) for more information). The configuration file must specify the device I/O port addresses, any interrupt capabilities that the device may have, any DMA channels it may require, and any memory-mapped addresses it may occupy.

Configuration files for ISA, EISA, and MCA device drivers should identify the parent nexus driver implicitly using the class keyword. This removes the dependency on the name of the particular nexus driver involved since most drivers can operate device controllers attached to any of those buses. The ISA, EISA, and MCA nexus drivers all belong to class sysbus. See driver.conf(4) for further details of configuration file syntax.

All bus drivers of class sysbus recognize the following properties:

An arbitrary-length array where each element of the array consists of a pair of integers. Each array element describes a possible interrupt that the device might generate.

The first integer of each pair specifies the device’s relative priority. This is the priority that this device’s interrupt handler will receive relative to the interrupt handlers of other drivers. The priority is an integer from 1 to 16. Generally, disks are assigned a priority of 5, while mice and printers are lower, and serial communication devices are higher, typically 7. 10 is reserved by the system and must not be used. Interrupts 11 and greater are high level interrupts and are generally not recommended (see ddi_intr_hilevel(9F) ).

The second integer of each pair denotes the hardware interrupt
request (IRQ) number.
The driver can refer to the elements of this array by index using
ddi_add_intr(9F) . The index into the array is passed as the inumber argument of ddi_add_intr().
Only devices that generate interrupts need to provide
intr properties.
An arbitrary-length array where each element of the array consists of a 3-tuple of integers. Each array element describes a contiguous memory address range associated with the device on the bus.
The first integer of the tuple is reserved.
The driver can refer to the elements of this array by index, and construct
kernel mappings to these addresses using ddi_map_regs(9F) . The index into the array is passed as the rnumber argument of ddi_map_regs().
sysbus device drivers must provide reg properties. The first two integer elements of this property are used to construct the address part of the device name under /devices. If the device has memory-mapped addresses, the first integer should be 0 and the second integer should specify the physical address; if the device does not have memory-mapped addresses, the first integer should specify a unique identifier and the second integer should be 0. A recommended unique identifier is the ioaddr value; that is, specify the I/O address in both the ioaddr field and the first integer of the reg field. The third integer of each 3-tuple specifies the size, in bytes, of the mappable region.

It is recommended that drivers for devices connected to the system bus recognize the following standard property names:

An integer that describes the I/O port base address for this device.
An integer that specifies the DMA channel used by this device. Only devices that use a DMA channel need to provide dmachan properties.


Here are three sample entries from three different driver.conf files:

name="fdc" class="sysbus" intr=5,6 ioaddr=0x3f0 dmachan=2 reg=0x3f0,0,0;

name="logi" class="sysbus" intr=1,4 ioaddr=0x23c reg=0x23c,0,0;

name="sbpro" class="sysbus" ioaddr=0x220 intr=5,7 dmachan=1 reg=0x220,0,0;

See Also

driver.conf(4) , scsi(4) , ddi_add_intr(9F) , ddi_intr_hilevel(9F) , ddi_map_regs(9F) , ddi_prop_op(9F)

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