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euclen, euccol, eucscol - get byte length and display width of EUC characters


#include <euc.h>

int euclen(const unsigned char *s);

int euccol(const unsigned char *s);

int eucscol(const unsigned char *str);




euclen() returns the length in bytes of the Extended Unix Code (EUC) character pointed to by s, including single-shift characters, if present.

euccol() returns the screen column width of the EUC character pointed to by s.

eucscol() returns the screen column width of the EUC string pointed to by str.

For the euclen() and euccol(), routines, s points to the first byte of the character. This byte is examined to determine its codeset. The character type table for the current locale is used for codeset byte length and display width information.



See Also


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