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    fn_ctx_create_subcontext(3N) manual page Table of Contents


fn_ctx_create_subcontext - create a subcontext in a context


cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lxfn [ library ... ]

#include <xfn/xfn.h>

FN_ref_t *fn_ctx_create_subcontext(FN_ctx_t *ctx, const FN_composite_name_t *name, FN_status_t *status);




This operation creates a new XFN context of the same type as the target context -- that named by all but the terminal atomic component of name -- and binds it to the supplied composite name.

As with fn_ctx_bind(), the target context must already exist. The new context is created and bound in the target context using the terminal atomic name in name. The operation returns a reference to the newly created context.

Return Value

fn_ctx_create_subcontext() returns a reference to the newly created context; if the operation fails, it returns a NULL pointer (0).


fn_ctx_create_subcontext() sets status as described in FN_status_t(3N) and xfn_status_codes(3N) . Of special relevance for this operation is the following status code:
The terminal atomic name already exists in the target context.

Application Usage

The new subcontext is an XFN context and is created in the same naming system as the target context. The new subcontext also inherits the same syntax attributes as the target context. XFN does not specify any further properties of the new subcontext. The target context and its naming system determine these.

See Also

FN_composite_name_t(3N) , FN_ctx_t(3N) , FN_ref_t(3N) , FN_status_t(3N) , fn_ctx_bind(3N) , fn_ctx_lookup(3N) , fn_ctx_destroy_subcontext(3N) , xfn_status_codes(3N) , xfn(3N)

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