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    fn_ctx_handle_from_ref(3N) manual page Table of Contents


fn_ctx_handle_from_ref - construct a handle to a context object using the given reference


cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lxfn [ library ... ]

#include <xfn/xfn.h>

FN_ctx_t *fn_ctx_handle_from_ref(const FN_ref_t *ref, FN_status_t *status);




This operation creates a handle to an FN_ctx_t object using an FN_ref_t object for that context.

Return Values

This operation returns a pointer to an FN_ctx_t object if the operation succeeds, otherwise, it returns a NULL pointer (0).


fn_ctx_handle_from_ref() sets status as described in FN_status_t(3N) and xfn_status_codes(3N) . The following status code is of particular relevance to this operation.
A context object could not be constructed from a particular reference. The reference contained no address type over which the context interface was supported.

See Also

FN_ctx_t(3N) , FN_ref_t(3N) , FN_status_t(3N) , fn_ctx_get_ref(3N) , fn_ctx_handle_destroy(3N) , xfn(3N) , xfn_status_codes(3N) , fns_references(5)


The implementation of XFN in this Solaris release is based on the X/Open preliminary specification. It is likely that there will be minor changes to these interfaces to reflect changes in the final version of this specification. The next minor release of Solaris will offer binary compatibility for applications developed using the current interfaces. As the interfaces evolve toward standardization, it is possible that future releases of Solaris will require minor source code changes to applications that have been developed against the preliminary specification.

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