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groupadd - add (create) a new group definition on the system


/usr/sbin/groupadd [-g gid [-o]] group




The groupadd command creates a new group definition on the system by adding the appropriate entry to the /etc/group file.


-g gid
The group id for the new group. This group id must be a non-negative decimal integer below MAXUID as defined in the <param.h> header. The group ID defaults to the next available (unique) number above the highest number currently assigned. For example, if groups 100, 105, and 200 are assigned as groups, the next default group number will be 201. (Group ID s from 0-99 are reserved by SunOS for future applications.)
This option allows the gid to be duplicated (non-unique).
A string of printable characters that specifies the name of the new group, up to a maximum of eight characters. It may not include a colon (:) or newline (\n).


The groupadd command exits with one of the following values:

  1. Success.
  2. Invalid command syntax. A usage message for the groupadd command is displayed.
  3. An invalid argument was provided to an option.
  4. gid is not unique (when -o option is not used).
  5. group is not unique.
  6. Cannot update the /etc/group file.



See Also

users(1B) , groupdel(1M) , groupmod(1M) , logins(1M) , useradd(1M) , userdel(1M) , usermod(1M) , group(4)


groupadd only adds a group definition to the local system. If a network nameservice such as NIS or NIS+ is being used to supplement the local /etc/group file with additional entries, groupadd cannot change information supplied by the network nameservice. However groupadd will verify the uniqueness of group name and group ID against the external nameservice.

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