/usr/sbin/in.rarpd [ -d ] device unit
RARP is used by machines at boot time to discover their Internet Protocol (IP ) address. The booting machine provides its Ethernet address in a RARP request message. Using the ethers and hosts databases, in.rarpd maps this Ethernet address into the corresponding IP address which it returns to the booting machine in an RARP reply message. The booting machine must be listed in both databases for in.rarpd to locate its IP address. in.rarpd issues no reply when it fails to locate an IP address.
in.rarpd uses the STREAMS-based Data Link Provider Interface (DLPI) message set to communicate directly with the datalink device driver.
The following command starts an in.rarpd for each network interface name returned from /dev/ip:
example# /usr/sbin/in.rarpd -a
The following command starts one in.rarpd on the device /dev/le with the device instance number 0.
example# /usr/sbin/in.rarpd le 0
RFC-903, A Reverse Address Resolution Protocol, Network Information Center, SRI International.
Unix International, Data Link Provider Interface, Version 2, May 7, 1991, Sun Microsystems, 800-6915-01.