#include <curses.h>
int insstr(char *str);
int insnstr(char *str, int n);
int winsstr(WINDOW *win, char *str);
int winsnstr(WINDOW *win, char *str, int n);
int mvinsstr(int y, int x, char *str);
int mvinsnstr(int y, int x, char *str, int n);
int mvwinsstr(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, char *str);
int mvwinsnstr(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, char *str, int n);
If a character in str is a tab, newline, carriage return or backspace, the cursor is moved appropriately within the window. A newline also does a clrtoeol() before moving. Tabs are considered to be at every eighth column. If a character in str is another control character, it is drawn in the ^X notation. Calling winch() after adding a control character (and moving to it, if necessary) does not return the control character, but instead returns the representation of the control character.
The header <curses.h> automatically includes the headers <stdio.h> and <unctrl.h>.
Note that all but winsnstr() may be macros.