iswalpha(3I) manual page
Table of Contents
iswalpha, iswupper, iswlower, iswdigit, iswxdigit, iswalnum, iswspace,
iswpunct, iswprint, iswcntrl, iswascii, iswgraph, isphonogram, isideogram,
isenglish, isnumber, isspecial - Process Code character classification
macros and functions
cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lw [ library ... ]
#include <widec.h>
#include <wctype.h>
int iswalpha(wint_t c);
MT-Safe with exceptions
These functions classify Process Code
characters ( wchar_t ) from the primary and supplementary codesets by table
lookup. Each is a predicate returning nonzero for true, zero for false. The
lookup table, generated by wchrtbl(), contains values for both ASCII
supplementary codesets.
- iswalpha(c)
- c is a Latin alphabet Process Code character,
from either the primary or supplementary codesets.
- iswupper(c)
- c is an upper
case Latin alphabet Process Code character, from either the primary or
supplementary codesets.
- iswlower(c)
- c is a lower case Latin alphabet Process
Code character, from either the primary or supplementary codesets.
- iswdigit(c)
- c is a Process Code digit [0-9], from either the primary or supplementary
- iswxdigit(c)
- c is an ASCII
hexadecimal Process Code digit [0-9],
[A-F], or [a-f].
- iswalnum(c)
- c is a Process Code Latin letter or a digit,
from either the primary or supplementary codesets.
- iswspace(c)
- c is a Process
Code space, tab, carriage return, newline, vertical tab, or formfeed, from
either the primary or supplementary codesets.
- iswpunct(c)
- c is an ASCII
Process Code punctuation character (neither control nor alphanumeric).
- iswprint(c)
- c is a Process Code printing character, from either the primary or supplementary
codesets. It includes the space character.
- iswgraph(c)
- c is a Process Code
visible graphic character, from the primary or supplementary codesets.
It does not include the space character.
- iswcntrl(c)
- c is a Process Code
delete character or ordinary control character, or a control character
from a supplementary codeset.
- iswascii(c)
- c is a Process Code ASCII
- isphonogram(c)
- c is a Process Code phonetic language character from a supplementary
- isideogram(c)
- c is a Process Code ideographic language character from
a supplementary codeset.
- isenglish(c)
- c is a Process Code English language
character from a supplementary codeset.
- isnumber(c)
- c is a Process Code
digit [0-9] from a supplementary codeset.
- isspecial(c)
- c is a Process Code
special language character from a supplementary codeset.
, wconv(3I)
, ascii(5)
iswalpha(), iswupper(), iswlower(),
iswdigit(), iswxdigit(), iswalnum(), iswspace(), iswpunct(), iswprint(),
iswcntrl(), iswascii(), iswgraph(), isphonogram(), isideogram(), isenglish(),
isnumber() and isspecial() can be used safely in a multi-thread application,
as long as setlocale(3C)
is not being called to change the locale.
Table of Contents