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keyserv - server for storing private encryption keys


keyserv [ -d ] [ -D ] [ -n ]




keyserv is a daemon that is used for storing the private encryption keys of each user logged into the system. These encryption keys are used for accessing secure network services such as secure NFS and NIS+.

Normally, root’s key is read from the file /etc/.rootkey when the daemon is started. This is useful during power-fail reboots when no one is around to type a password.


Disable the use of default keys for nobody.
Run in debugging mode and log all requests to keyserv.
Root’s secret key is not read from /etc/.rootkey. Instead, keyserv prompts the user for the password to decrypt root’s key stored in the publickey database and then stores the decrypted key in /etc/.rootkey for future use. This option is useful if the /etc/.rootkey file ever gets out of date or corrupted.



See Also

keylogin(1) , keylogout(1) , publickey(4)

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