nroff -man filename...
troff -man filename...
These macros are used to lay out the reference pages in this manual. Note: if filename contains format input for a preprocessor, the commands shown above must be piped through the appropriate preprocessor. This is handled automatically by the man(1) command. See the ‘‘Conventions’’ section.
Any text argument t may be zero to six words. Quotes may be used to include SPACE characters in a ‘word’. If text is empty, the special treatment is applied to the next input line with text to be printed. In this way .I may be used to italicize a whole line, or .SB may be used to make small bold letters.
A prevailing indent distance is remembered between successive indented paragraphs, and is reset to default value upon reaching a non-indented paragraph. Default units for indents i are ens.
Type font and size are reset to default values before each paragraph, and after processing font and size setting macros.
These strings are predefined by -man:
- \*R
- ‘(Reg)’, trademark symbol in troff.
- \*S
- Change to default type size.
Request Cause If no Explanation Break Argument .B t no t=n.t.l.* Text is in bold font. .BI t no t=n.t.l. Join words, alternating bold and italic. .BR t no t=n.t.l. Join words, alternating bold and roman. .DT no .5i 1i... Restore default tabs. .HP i yes i=p.i.* Begin paragraph with hanging indent. Set prevailing indent to i. .I t no t=n.t.l. Text is italic. .IB t no t=n.t.l. Join words, alternating italic and bold. .IP x i yes x="" Same as .TP with tag x. .IR t no t=n.t.l. Join words, alternating italic and roman. .IX t no - Index macro, for Sun internal use. .LP yes - Begin left-aligned paragraph. Set prevailing indent to .5i. .P yes - Same as .LP .PD d no d=.4v Set vertical distance between paragraphs. .PP yes - Same as .LP. .RE yes - End of relative indent. Restores prevailing indent. .RB t no t=n.t.l. Join words, alternating roman and bold. .RI t no t=n.t.l. Join words, alternating roman and italic. .RS i yes i=p.i. Start relative indent, increase indent by i. Sets prevailing indent to .5i for nested indents. .SB t no - Reduce size of text by 1 point, make text bold. .SH t yes - Section Heading. .SM t no t=n.t.l. Reduce size of text by 1 point. .SS t yes t=n.t.l. Section Subheading. .TH n s d f m yes - Begin reference page n, of of section s; d is the date of the most recent change. If present, f is the left page footer; m is the main page (center) header. Sets prevailing indent and tabs to .5i. .TP i yes i=p.i. Begin indented paragraph, with the tag given on the next text line. Set prevailing indent to i. .TX t p no - Resolve the title abbreviation t; join to punctuation mark (or text) p.
When formatting a manual page, man examines the first line to determine whether it requires special processing. For example a first line consisting of:
’\" t
indicates that the manual page must be run through the tbl(1) preprocessor.
A typical manual page for a command or function is laid out as follows:
- Commands:
- The syntax of the command and its arguments, as typed on the command
- line. When in boldface, a word must be typed exactly as printed. When in italics, a word can be replaced with an argument that you supply. References to bold or italicized items are not capitalized in other sections, even when they begin a sentence.
- Syntactic symbols appear in roman face:
- [ ]
- An argument, when surrounded by brackets is optional.
- |
- Arguments separated by a vertical bar are exclusive. You can supply only one item from such a list.
Dale Dougherty and Tim O’Reilly, Unix Text Processing