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menu_item_current, set_current_item, current_item, set_top_row, top_row, item_index - set and get current menus items


cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lmenu -lcurses [ library .. ]

#include <menu.h>

int set_current_item(MENU *menu, ITEM *item);

ITEM *current_item(MENU *menu);

int set_top_row(MENU *menu, int row);

int top_row(MENU *menu);

int item_index(ITEM *item);




The current item of a menu is the item where the cursor is currently positioned. set_current_item() sets the current item of menu to item. current_item() returns a pointer to the the current item in menu.

set_top_row() sets the top row of menu to row. The left-most item on the new top row becomes the current item. top_row() returns the number of the menu row currently displayed at the top of menu.

item_index() returns the index to the item in the item pointer array. The value of this index ranges from 0 through N-1, where N is the total number of items connected to the menu.

Return Values

current_item() returns NULL on error.

top_row() and index_item() return -1 on error.

set_current_item() and set_top_row() return one of the following:

E_OK        The routine returned successfully.
E_SYSTEM_ERROR        System error.
E_BAD_ARGUMENT        An incorrect argument was passed
        to the routine.
E_BAD_STATE        The routine was called from an
        initialization or termination function.
E_NOT_CONNECTED        No items are connected to the menu.

See Also

curses(3X) , menus(3X)


The header <menu.h> automatically includes the headers <eti.h> and <curses.h>.

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