modlinkage(9S) manual page
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modlinkage - module linkage structure
#include <sys/modctl.h>
Solaris DDI specific (Solaris DDI)
The modlinkage
structure is provided by the module writer to the routines which install,
remove, and retrieve information from a module. See _init(9E), _fini(9E),
and _info(9E).
- int ml_rev
- void *ml_linkage[4];
- ml_rev
- Is
the revision of the loadable modules system. This must have the value MODREV_1.
- ml_linkage
- Is a null terminated array of pointers to linkage structures.
For driver modules there is only one linkage structure.
_fini(9E), _info(9E), _init(9E), modldrv(9S)
, modlstrmod(9S)
Table of Contents