#include <mqueue.h>
int mq_send(mqd_t mqdes, const
char *msg_ptr,
size_t msg_len, unsigned int msg_prio);
struct mq_attr {
long mq_flags; /* message queue flags */
long mq_maxmsg; /* maximum number of messages */
long mq_msgsize; /* maximum message size */
long mq_curmsgs; /* number of messages currently queued */
If the specified message queue is not full, mq_send() behaves as if the message is inserted into the message queue at the position indicated by msg_prio. A message with a larger numeric value of msg_prio is inserted before messages with lower values of msg_prio. A message is inserted after other messages in the queue, if any, with equal msg_priopriority. The value of msg_prio must be greater than 0, and less than or equal to {MQ_PRIO_MAX}.
If the specified message queue is full and if O_NONBLOCK is not set in the message queue description associated with mqdes (see mq_open(3R) and mq_setattr(3R) ), mq_send() blocks, waiting until space becomes available to enqueue the message, or until mq_send() is interrupted by a signal. If more than one process (or thread) is waiting to send when space becomes available in the message queue, then the process of the highest priority which has been waiting the longest is unblocked to send its message. If the specified message queue is full and O_NONBLOCK is set in the message queue description associated with mqdes, the message is not queued, and mq_send() returns an error.