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rpc.nispasswdd, nispasswdd - NIS+ password update daemon


/usr/sbin/rpc.nispasswdd [ -a attempts ] [ -c minutes ] [ -D ] [ -g ] [ -v ]




rpc.nispasswdd daemon is an ONC+ RPC service that services password update requests from nispasswd(1) and yppasswd(1) . It updates password entries in the NIS+ passwd table.

rpc.nispasswdd is normally started from a system startup script after the NIS+ server (rpc.nisd(1M) ) has been started. rpc.nispasswdd will determine whether it is running on a machine that is a master server for one or more NIS+ directories. If it discovers that the host is not a master server, then it will promptly exit. It will also determine if rpc.nisd(1M) is running in NIS(YP) compatibility mode (the -Y option) and will register as yppasswdd for NIS(YP) clients as well.

rpc.nispasswdd will syslog all failed password update attempts, which will allow an administrator to determine whether someone was trying to "crack" the passwords.

rpc.nispasswdd has to be run by a superuser.


-a attempts
Set the maximum number of attempts allowed to authenticate the caller within a password update request session. Failed attempts are syslogd(1M) and the request is cached by the daemon. After the maximum number of allowed attempts the daemon severs the connection to the client. The default value is set to 3.
-c minutes
Set the number of minutes a failed password update request should be cached by the daemon. This is the time during which if the daemon receives further password update requests for the same user and authentication of the caller fails, then the daemon will simply not respond. The default value is set to 30 minutes.
Debug. Run in debugging mode.
Generate DES credential. By default the DES credential is not generated for the user if they do not have one. By specifying this option, if the user does not have a credential, then one will be generated for them and stored in the NIS+ cred table.
Verbose. With this option, the daemon sends a running narration of what it is doing to the syslog daemon. This option is useful for debugging problems.

Exit Status

  1. success
  2. an error has occurred.


initialization script for NIS+

See Also

nispasswd(1) , passwd(1) , yppasswd(1) , rpc.nisd(1M) , syslogd(1M) , nsswitch.conf(4)

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