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nscd - name service cache daemon


/usr/sbin/nscd [ -f configuration-file ] [ -g ] [ -e cachename, yes|no ] [ -i cachename ]




nscd is a process that provides a cache for the most common name service requests. It is started up during multi-user boot. The default configuration-file /etc/nscd.conf determines the behavior of the cache daemon. See nscd.conf(4) .

nscd provides cacheing for the passwd(4) , group(4) and hosts(4) databases through standard libc interfaces, such as gethostbyname(3N) , gethostbyaddr(3N) , and others. Each cache has a separate time-to-live for its data; modifying the local database (/etc/hosts, and so forth) causes that cache to become invalidated within ten seconds. Note that the shadow file is specifically not cached. getspnam(3C) calls remain uncached as a result.

nscd also acts as its own administration tool. If an instance of nscd is already running, commands are passed to the running version transparently.

In order to preserve NIS+ security, the startup script for nscd (/etc/init.d/nscd) checks the permissions on the passwd, group and host tables if NIS+ is being used. If those tables are not readable by unauthenticated users, then caching is disabled so that each process continues to authenticate itself as before.

nscd does not rescan the /etc/nsswitch.conf file; if this file is changed, the machine should be rebooted or nscd stopped and restarted, as shown in the EXAMPLES below.


Several of the options described below require a cachename specification. Supported values are passwd, group and hosts.
-f configuration-file
Causes nscd to read its configuration data from the specified file.
Prints current configuration and statistics to standard output. This is the only option executable by non-root users.
-e cachename, yes|no
Enables or disables the specified cache.
-i cachename
Invalidate the specified cache.


Stopping and restarting the nscd daemon.

    example# /etc/init.d/nscd stop 
    example# /etc/init.d/nscd start


/etc/nscd.conf    determines behavior of cache daemon

See Also

gethostbyname(3N) , group(4) , hosts(4) , nscd.conf(4) , nsswitch.conf(4) , passwd(4)


The nscd interface is included in this release on an uncommitted basis only, and is subject to change or removal in a future minor release.

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