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panels - character based panels package


#include <panel.h>




The panel library is built using the curses library, and any program using panels routines must call one of the curses initialization routines such as initscr. A program using these routines must be compiled with -lpanel and -lcurses on the cc command line.

The panels package gives the applications programmer a way to have depth relationships between curses windows; a curses window is associated with every panel. The panels routines allow curses windows to overlap without making visible the overlapped portions of underlying windows. The initial curses window, stdscr, lies beneath all panels. The set of currently visible panels is the deck of panels.

The panels package allows the applications programmer to create panels, fetch and set their associated windows, shuffle panels in the deck, and manipulate panels in other ways.

Routine Name Index

The following table lists each panels routine and the name of the manual page on which it is described.
panels Routine Name    Manual Page Name
bottom_panel    panel_top(3X)
del_panel    panel_new(3X)
hide_panel    panel_show(3X)
move_panel    panel_move(3X)
new_panel    panel_new(3X)
panel_above    panel_above(3X)
panel_below    panel_above(3X)
panel_hidden    panel_show(3X)
panel_userptr    panel_userptr(3X)
panel_window    panel_window(3X)
replace_panel    panel_window(3X)
set_panel_userptr    panel_userptr(3X)
show_panel    panel_show(3X)
top_panel    panel_top(3X)
update_panels    panel_update(3X)

Return Values

Each panels routine that returns a pointer to an object returns NULL if an error occurs. Each panel routine that returns an integer, returns OK if it executes successfully and ERR if it does not.

See Also

curses(3X) , and 3X pages whose names begin ‘panel_’ for detailed routine descriptions.


The header <panel.h> automatically includes the header <curses.h>.

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