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parse_dynamic_clustertoc - parse clustertoc file based on dynamic entries


<cdrom>/export/exec/sparc.Solaris_2.x/sbin/install.d/parse_dynamic_clustertoc <cdrom>/export/exec/i386.Solaris_2.x/sbin/install.d/parse_dynamic_clustertoc


SHWPcdrom (Solaris CD)


This script parses the clustertoc file before the suninstall(1M) process is run. parse_dynamic_clustertoc is called by a modified sysconfig script on the install CD. When parse_dynamic_clustertoc runs, it reads the clustertoc and when it encounters SUNW_CSRMBRIFF lines, it either checks the platform using the script’s builtin function, or calls an external script. The script exits with a 0 if the cluster entry is included, otherwise it will be ignored. If the cluster entry is to be included, the SUNW_CSRMBRIFF =(<test> <test_arg>)<cluster> line is converted to SUNW_CSRMEMBER =<cluster>.


The following is an example of a simple external test to check for a SX Framebuffer. The entry in the clustertoc file is shown and following that is the script that must be placed in the install.d/dynamic_test directory.

SUNW_CSRMBRIFF=(smcc.dctoc sx)SUNWCsx
#! /bin/sh
# Likewise, this file is expected to live under $(TESTDIR).
case "$1"
        sx)     prtconf -p  | grep ’SUNW,sx’ 1> /dev/null;;


dynamic version of the clustertoc file
directory that contains any additional tests
directory that contains any additional tests

See Also

suninstall(1M) , clustertoc(4)

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