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pci - configuration files for PCI device drivers




The Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI ) bus is a little endian bus. PCI devices are self-identifying -- that is to say the PCI device provides configuration parameters to the system which allows the system to identify the device and its driver. The configuration parameters are represented in the form of name-value pairs that can be retrieved using the DDI property interfaces. See ddi_prop_lookup(9F) for details.

The PCI bus properties are derived from PCI Configuration Space, or supplied by the Fcode PROM if it exists. Therefore, driver configuration files are not necessary for these devices.

However, on some occasions, drivers for PCI devices may use driver configuration files to provide driver private properties. This can be done through global property mechanism. See driver.conf(4) for further details.

All bus drivers of class pci recognize the following properties:

An arbitrary length array where each element of the array consists of a 5-tuple of 32-bit values. Each array element describes a logically contiguous mappable resource on the PCI bus.
The first 3 values in the 5-tuple describe
the PCI address of the mappable resource. The first tuple contains the following information:
Bits 0 - 78-bit Register number
Bits 8 - 103-bit Function number
Bits 11 - 155-bit Device number
Bits 16 - 23 8-bit Bus number
Bits 24 - 252-bit Address Space type identifier
The Address Space type identifier may be interpreted as follows:
0x0Configuration Space
0x1I/O Space
0x232-bit Memory Space address
0x364-bit Memory Space address
The Bus number is a unique identifying number assigned to each
PCI bus within a PCI domain.
The Device number is a unique identifying number assigned to each
PCI device on a PCI bus. Note that a Device number is only unique within the set of Device numbers for a particular bus.
PCI device can have 1 to 8 logically independent functions, each with its own independent set of configuration registers. Each function on a device is assigned a Function number. For a PCI device with only one function, the Function number must be 0.
The Register number field selects a particular register within the set
of configuration registers corresponding to the selected function.
The second and third values in the
reg property 5-tuple specify the 64-bit address of the mappable resource within the PCI address domain. The second 32-bit tuple corresponds to the high order 4 bytes of the 64-bit address. The third 32-bit tuple corresponds to the low order bytes.
The fourth and fifth 32-bit values in the 5-tuple
reg property specify the size of the mappable resource. The size is a 64-bit value where the fourth tuple corresponds to the high order bytes of the 64-bit size and the fifth corresponds to the low order.
The driver can refer to the elements of this array by index, and construct
kernel mappings to these addresses using ddi_regs_map_setup(9F) . The index into the array is passed as the rnumber argument of ddi_regs_map_setup(9F) .
This property consists of a single integer element array. Valid interrupt property values are #INTA , #INTB , #INTC , and #INTD . This value is derived directly from the contents of the device’s Configuration Interrupt Pin register.
A driver should use an index value of
0 when registering its interrupt handler with ddi_add_intr(9F) .

All PCI devices support the reg property. The Device number and Function number as derived from the reg property are used to construct the address part of the device name under /devices.

Only devices that generate interrupts support an interrupts property.


An example configuration file called ACME,scsi-hba.conf for a PCI driver called ACME,scsi-hba follows:

        # Copyright (c) 1995, ACME SCSI Host Bus Adaptor
        # ident   "@(#)ACME,csi-hba.conf  1.1  95/02/04"

Two global driver properties are created: hba-advanced-mode (which has the string value on ) and hba-dma-speed (which has the value 10 M bit/s). These properties apply to all device nodes of the ACME,scsi-hba.

See Also

driver.conf(4) , ddi_add_intr(9F) , ddi_prop_lookup(9F) , ddi_regs_map_setup(9F)

IEEE 1275 PCI Bus Binding

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