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pthread_sigmask, thr_sigsetmask - change and/or examine calling thread’s signal mask



cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lpthread [ library ... ]

#include <pthread.h>
#include <signal.h>
int pthread_sigmask(int how, const sigset_t *set, sigset_t *oset);


cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lthread [ library ... ]

#include <thread.h>
#include <signal.h>
int thr_sigsetmask(int how, const sigset_t *set, sigset_t *oset);





pthread_sigmask() and thr_sigsetmask() changes and/or examines a calling thread’s signal mask. Each thread has its own signal mask. A new thread inherits the calling thread’s signal mask and priority, however, pending signals are not inherited. Signals pending for a new thread will be empty.

If the value of the argument set is not NULL, set points to a set of signals that can modify the currently blocked set. If the value of set is NULL , the value of how is insignificant and the thread’s signal mask is unmodified; thus, pthread_sigmask() or thr_sigsetmask() can be used to inquire about the currently blocked signals.

The value of the argument how specifies the method in which the set is changed. how takes one of the following values:

set corresponds to a set of signals to block. They are added to the current signal mask.
set corresponds to a set of signals to unblock. These signals are deleted from the current signal mask.
set corresponds to the new signal mask. The current signal mask is replaced by set.

If the value of oset is not NULL , it points to the location where the previous signal mask is stored.

Return Values

Zero is returned upon successful completion; otherwise, a non-zero value indicates an error.


If any of the following conditions occur, pthread_sigmask() or thr_sigsetmask() fails and returns the corresponding value:
set is not NULL and the value of how is not defined.

If any of the following conditions are detected, pthread_sigmask() or thr_sigsetmask() fails and returns the corresponding value:

set or oset are not valid addresses.


The following example shows how to create a default thread that can serve as a signal catcher/handler with its own signal mask. new will have a different value than the creator’s signal mask.

/* cc thisfile.c -lthread -lpthread */
#define _REENTRANT    /* basic first 3-lines for threads */
#include <pthread.h>
#include <thread.h>
thread_t user_threadID;
sigset_t new;
void *handler(), interrupt();
main( int argc, char *argv[] )  {
 sigaddset(&new, SIGINT);
 switch(*argv[1])  {
  case ’0’:   /* POSIX */
   pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &new, NULL);
   pthread_create(&user_threadID, NULL, handler, argv[1]);
   pthread_join(user_threadID, NULL);
  case ’1’:   /* Solaris */
   thr_sigsetmask(SIG_BLOCK, &new, NULL);
   thr_create(NULL, 0, handler, argv[1], 0, &user_threadID);
   thr_join(user_threadID, NULL, NULL);
  }  /* switch */
  printf("thread handler, # %d, has exited\n",user_threadID);
  printf("main thread, # %d is done\n", thr_self());
} /* end main */
struct sigaction act;
void *
handler(char argv1[])
 act.sa_handler = interrupt;
 sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL);
 switch(*argv1)    {
  case ’0’:     /* POSIX */
   pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &new, NULL);
  case ’1’:   /* Solaris */
   thr_sigsetmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &new, NULL);
 printf("\n Press cntrl-C to deliver SIGINT signal to the process\n");
 sleep(8);  /* give user time to hit cntrl-C */
interrupt(int sig)
 printf("thread %d caught signal %d\n", thr_self(), sig);
void test_argv(char argv1[])    {
 if(argv1 == NULL)  {
   printf("use 0 as arg1 to use thr_create();\n \ 
   or use 1 as arg1 to use pthread_create()\n");

Since POSIX threads and Solaris threads are fully compatible even within the same process, this example uses pthread_create(3T) if you execute a.out 0, or thr_create(3T) if you execute a.out 1.

Here’s an explanation of the above example:

In the example, the handler thread served as a signal-handler while also taking care of activity of its own (in this case, sleeping, although it could have been some other activity). A thread could be completely dedicated to signal-handling, simply by waiting for the delivery of a selected signal by blocking with sigwait(2) . Thus, the two subroutines in the previous example, handler() and interrupt(), could have been replaced with the following routine:

void *
{ int signal;
  printf("thread %d is waiting for you to press the cntrl-C keys\n", thr_self());
  sigwait(&new, &signal);
  printf("thread %d has received the signal %d \n", thr_self(), signal);
  /* pthread_create() and thr_create() would use NULL instead of argv[1]
     for the arg passed to handler() */

In this routine, one thread is dedicated to catching and handling the signal specified by the set, new, which allows main() and all of its other sub-threads, (created AFTER pthread_sigmask() or thr_sigsetmask() masked that signal), to continue uninterrupted. In fact, any use of sigwait(2) should be such that all threads block the signals passed to sigwait(2) , at all times. Only the thread that calls sigwait() will get the signals. Note that the call to sigwait(2) takes two arguments. See sigwait(2) .

For this type of background dedicated signal-handling routine, you may wish to use a Solaris daemon thread by passing the argument, THR_DAEMON, to thr_create(3T) .

See Also

sigaction(2) , sigprocmask(2) , sigwait(2) , sigsetops(3C) , pthread_cancel(3T) , pthread_create(3T) , pthread_exit(3T) , pthread_join(3T) , pthread_kill(3T) , pthread_self(3T)


It is not possible to block signals that cannot be ignored (see sigaction(2) ). If using the threads library, it is not possible to block the signals SIGLWP or SIGCANCEL, which are reserved by the threads library. Additionally, it is impossible to unblock the signal SIGWAITING, which is always blocked on all threads. This restriction is quietly enforced by the threads library.

Using sigwait(2) in a dedicated thread allows asynchronous signals to be managed synchronously; however, sigwait(2) should never be used to manage synchronous signals. Synchronous signals (i.e., exceptions or traps) are sent by the process itself, such as SIGFPE, pthread_kill(3T) , pthread_exit(3T) , pthread_cancel(3T) , thr_kill(3T) , or thr_exit(3T) , rather than device interrupts or signals sent by other processes.

Synchronous signals are exceptions that are generated by a thread and are directed at the thread causing the exception. Since sigwait() blocks waiting for signals, the blocking thread will not generate any synchronous signals.

If sigprocmask(2) is used in a multi-threaded program, it will be the same as if thr_sigsetmask() or pthread_sigmask() has been called. Note that POSIX leaves the semantics of the call to sigprocmask(2) unspecified in a multi-threaded process, so programs that care about POSIX portability should not depend on this semantic.

If a signal is delivered while a thread is waiting on a condition variable, the cond_wait() will be interrupted and the handler will be executed. The handler should assume that the lock protecting the condition variable is held.

Although pthread_sigmask() is Async-Signal-Safe with respect to the Solaris environment, this safeness is not guaranteed to be portable to other POSIX domains.

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