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ptsname - get name of the slave pseudo-terminal device


#include <stdio.h>

char *ptsname(int fildes);




The ptsname() function returns the name of the slave pseudo-terminal device associated with a master pseudo-terminal device. fildes is a file descriptor returned from a successful open of the master device. ptsname() returns a pointer to a string containing the null-terminated path name of the slave device of the form /dev/pts/N, where N is a non-negative integer.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the function ptsname() returns a pointer to a string which is the name of the pseudo-terminal slave device. This value points to a static data area that is overwritten by each call to ptsname(). Upon failure, ptsname() returns NULL . This could occur if fildes is an invalid file descriptor or if the slave device name does not exist in the file system.

See Also

open(2) , grantpt(3C) , ttyname(3C) , unlockpt(3C)

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