#include <rpc/rpc.h> #include <rpc/key_prot.h>
int getpublickey(const char netname[MAXNETNAMELEN ], char publickey[HEXKEYBYTES +1]);
int getsecretkey(const char netname[MAXNETNAMELEN ], char secretkey[HEXKEYBYTES +1], const char *passwd);
getpublickey() and getsecretkey() get public and secret keys for netname. The key may come from one of the following sources: the /etc/publickey file (see publickey(4) ) or the NIS map ‘‘publickey.byname’’ or the NIS + table ‘‘cred.org_dir’’. The sources and their lookup order are specified in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file (see nsswitch.conf(4) ).
getsecretkey() has an extra argument, passwd, used to decrypt the encrypted secret key stored in the database.
Both routines return 1 if they are successful in finding the key, 0 otherwise. The keys are returned as NULL -terminated, hexadecimal strings. If the password supplied to getsecretkey() fails to decrypt the secret key, the routine will return 1 but the secretkey [0] will be set to NULL .
If getpublickey() gets the public key from any source other than NIS+, all authenticated NIS+ operations may fail. To ensure that this does not happen, edit the nsswitch.conf(4) file to make sure that the public key is obtained from NIS+.