rpc.rexd(1M) manual page
Table of Contents
rpc.rexd, rexd - RPC-based remote execution server
[ -s ]
rpc.rexd is the Sun RPC
for remote program execution. This daemon is started by inetd(1M)
a remote execution request is made.
For non-interactive programs, the standard
file descriptors are connected directly to TCP
connections. Interactive
programs involve pseudo-terminals, in a fashion that is similar to the login
sessions provided by rlogin(1)
. This daemon may use NFS
to mount file systems
specified in the remote execution request.
- -s
- Secure. When specified,
requests must have valid DES credentials. If the request does not have a
credential it is rejected. The default publickey credential is rejected.
Only newer on(1)
commands send DES
- If access is denied with
an authentication error,
- you may have to set your publickey with the chkey(1)
- Specifying the
- -s option without presenting secure credentials will
result in an error message: Unix too weak auth (DesONly)!
- /dev/ptsn
- pseudo-terminals used for interactive mode
- /etc/passwd
- authorized users
- /tmp_rex/rexd??????
- temporary mount points for remote file systems.
, on(1)
, rlogin(1)
, inetd(1M)
, inetd.conf(4)
, publickey(4)
Diagnostic messages are normally printed on the console, and
returned to the requestor.
Root cannot execute commands using rexd
client programs such as on(1)
Table of Contents