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menu_win, set_menu_win, set_menu_sub, menu_sub, scale_menu - menus window and subwindow association routines


cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lmenu -lcurses [ library .. ]

#include <menu.h>

int set_menu_win(MENU *menu, WINDOW *win);

WINDOW *menu_win(MENU *menu);

int set_menu_sub(MENU *menu, WINDOW *sub);

WINDOW *menu_sub(MENU *menu);

int scale_window(MENU *menu, int *rows, int *cols);




set_menu_win() sets the window of menu to win. menu_win() returns a pointer to the window of menu.

set_menu_sub() sets the subwindow of menu to sub. menu_sub() returns a pointer to the subwindow of menu.

scale_window() returns the minimum window size necessary for the subwindow of menu. rows and cols are pointers to the locations used to return the values.

Return Values

Routines that return pointers always return NULL on error. Routines that return an integer return one of the following:
E_OK        The routine returned successfully.
E_SYSTEM_ERROR        System error.
E_BAD_ARGUMENT        An incorrect argument was passed to
        the routine.
E_POSTED        The menu is already posted.
E_NOT_CONNECTED        No items are connected to the menu.

See Also

curses(3X) , menus(3X)


The header <menu.h> automatically includes the headers <eti.h> and <curses.h>.

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