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    setpgrp(2) manual page Table of Contents


setpgrp - set process group ID


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>

pid_t setpgrp(void);


If the calling process is not already a session leader, setpgrp() makes it one by setting its process group ID and session ID to the value of its process ID , and releases its controlling terminal. See intro(2) for more information on process group ID s and session leaders.

Return Values

setpgrp() returns the value of the new process group ID.

See Also

intro(2) , exec(2) , fork(2) , getpid(2) , getsid(2) , kill(2) , signal(3C)


setpgrp() will be phased out in favor of the setsid () function.

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