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setuname - changes machine information


setuname [-t][-n node][-s name]




setuname changes the parameter value for the system name and node name. Each parameter can be changed using setuname and the appropriate option.

Either or both the -s and -n options must be given when invoking setuname.

The system architecture may place requirements on the size of the system and network node name. The command will issue a fatal warning message and an error message if the name entered is incompatible with the system requirements.


Temporary change. No attempt will be made to create a permanent change.
-n node
Changes the node name. node specifies the new network node name and can consist of alphanumeric characters and the special characters dash, underbar, and dollar sign.
-s name
Changes the system name. name specifies new system name and can consist of alphanumeric characters and the special characters dash, underbar, and dollar sign.


setuname attempts to change the parameter values in two places: the running kernel and, as necessary per implementation, to cross system reboots. A temporary change changes only the running kernel.

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