hyperbolic(3M) manual page
Table of Contents
hyperbolic, sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh - hyperbolic
#include <math.h>
double sinh(double x);
double cosh(double
double tanh(double x);
double asinh(double x);
double acosh(double
double atanh(double x);
These functions compute the designated direct and inverse hyperbolic functions
for real arguments.
For exceptional cases, matherr(3M)
the values to be returned as dictated by various Standards.
In IEEE754
mode (i.e. the -xlibmieee cc compilation option), sinh()
and cosh() return ±if as appropriate on overflow and raise the overflow
exception; acosh() returns a NaN and raises the invalid operation exception
if its argument is less than 1; atanh() returns a NaN and raises the invalid
operation exception if its argument has absolute value greater than 1;
atanh(±1) returns ±if and raises the division by zero exception.
Table of Contents