cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lnsl [ library ... ]
#include <tiuser.h>
void t_error(const char *errmsg);
extern int t_errno; extern char *t_errlist[]; extern int t_nerr;
t_error() prints the user-supplied error message followed by a colon and the standard transport function error message for the current value contained in t_errno. If t_errno is TSYSERR , t_error will also print the standard error message for the current value contained in errno (see intro(2) ).
t_errlist is the array of message strings, to allow user message formatting. t_errno can be used as an index into this array to retrieve the error message string (without a terminating newline). t_nerr is the maximum index value for the t_errlist array.
t_errno is set when an error occurs and is not cleared on subsequent successful calls.
t_error("t_connect failed on fd2");
The diagnostic message would print as:
t_connect failed on fd2: Incorrect transport address format
where "t_connect failed on fd2" tells the user which function failed on which transport endpoint, and ‘‘Incorrect transport address format’’ identifies the specific error that occurred.