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    t_sync(3N) manual page Table of Contents


t_sync - synchronize transport library


cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lnsl [ library ... ]

#include <tiuser.h>

int t_sync(int fildes);




For the transport endpoint specified by fildes, t_sync() synchronizes the data structures managed by the transport library with information from the underlying transport provider. In doing so, it can convert a raw file descriptor (obtained using open(2) , dup(2) , or as a result of a fork(2) and exec(2) ) to an initialized transport endpoint, assuming that file descriptor referenced a transport provider. This function also allows two cooperating processes to synchronize their interaction with a transport provider.

For example, if a process fork(2) s a new process and issues an exec(2) , the new process must issue a t_sync() to build the private library data structure associated with a transport endpoint and to synchronize the data structure with the relevant provider information.

It is important to remember that the transport provider treats all users of a transport endpoint as a single user. If multiple processes are using the same endpoint, they should coordinate their activities so as not to violate the state of the provider. t_sync() returns the current state of the provider to the user, thereby enabling the user to verify the state before taking further action. This coordination is only valid among cooperating processes; it is possible that a process or an incoming event could change the provider’s state after a t_sync() is issued.

If the provider is undergoing a state transition when t_sync() is called, the function will fail.

Return Values

t_sync() returns the state of the transport provider on successful completion. t_sync() returns -1 on failure, t_errno is set to indicate the error, and possibly errno is set. The state returned may be one of the following:
outgoing connection pending
incoming connection pending
data transfer
outgoing orderly release (waiting for an orderly release indication)
incoming orderly release (waiting for an orderly release request)


On failure, t_errno will be set to one of the following:

The specified file descriptor does not refer to a transport endpoint.
The transport provider is undergoing a state change.
A system error has occurred during execution of this function, errno will be set to the specific error.

See Also

dup(2) , exec(2) , fork(2) , open(2)


This interface is safe in multithreaded applications.

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