wtmpfix examines the standard input or named files in utmp.h format, corrects the time/date stamps to make the entries consistent, and writes to the standard output. A hyphen (-) can be used in place of file to indicate the standard input. If time/date corrections are not performed, acctcon(1M) will fault when it encounters certain date-change records.
Each time the date is set, a pair of date change records are written to /var/adm/wtmp. The first record is the old date denoted by the string "old time" placed in the line field and the flag OLD_TIME placed in the type field of the utmp structure. The second record specifies the new date and is denoted by the string new time placed in the line field and the flag NEW_TIME placed in the type field. wtmpfix uses these records to synchronize all time stamps in the file.
In addition to correcting time/date stamps, wtmpfix will check the validity of the name field to ensure that it consists solely of alphanumeric characters or spaces. If it encounters a name that is considered invalid, it will change the login name to INVALID and write a diagnostic to the standard error. In this way, wtmpfix reduces the chance that acctcon will fail when processing connect accounting records.