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xfn_compound_names - XFN compound syntax: an overview of XFN model for compound name parsing


Each naming system in an XFN federation has a naming convention. XFN defines a standard model of expressing compound name syntax that covers a large number of specific name syntaxes and is expressed in terms of syntax properties of the naming convention.

The model uses the attributes in the following table to describe properties of the syntax. Unless otherwise qualified, these syntax attributes have attribute identifiers that use the FN_ID_STRING format. A context that supports the XFN standard syntax model has an attribute set containing the fn_syntax_type (with identifier format FN_ID_STRING ) attribute with the value "standard" (ASCII attribute syntax).

These are the interfaces:

#include <xfn/xfn.h>

FN_attrset_t *fn_ctx_get_syntax_attrs(FN_ctx_t *ctx, const FN_composite_name_t *name, FN_status_t *status);

FN_compound_name_t *fn_compound_name_from_syntax_attrs( const FN_attrset_t *aset, const FN_string_t *name, FN_status_t *status);

Its value is the ASCII string "standard" if the context supports the XFN standard syntax model. Its value is an implementation-specific value if another syntax model is supported.
Its value is an ASCII string, one of "left_to_right", "right_to_left", or "flat". This determines whether the order of components in a compound name string goes from left to right, right to left, or whether the namespace is flat (in other words, not hierarchical; em all names are atomic).
Its value is the separator string for this name syntax. This attribute is required unless the fn_std_syntax_direction is "flat".
If present, its value is the escape string for this name syntax.
If this attribute is present, it indicates that names that differ only in case are considered identical. If this attribute is absent, it indicates that case is significant. If a value is present, it is ignored.
If present, its value is the begin-quote string for this syntax. There can be multiple values for this attribute.
If present, its value is the end-quote string for this syntax. There can be multiple values for this attribute.
If present, its value is the attribute value assertion separator string for this syntax.
If present, its value is the attribute type-value separator string for this syntax.
If present, its value identifies the code sets of the string representation for this syntax. Its value consists of a structure containing an array of code sets supported by the context; the first member of the array is the preferred code set of the context. The values for the code sets are defined in the X/Open code set registry. If this attribute is not present, or if the value is empty, the default code set is ISO 646 (same encoding as ASCII).
If present, identifies locale information, such as character set information, of the string representation for this syntax. The interpretation of its value is implementation-dependent.

The XFN standard syntax attributes are interpreted according to the following rules:

  1. In a string without quotes or escapes, any instance of the separator string delimits two atomic names.
  2. .
  3. A separator, quotation or escape string is escaped if preceded immediately (on the left) by the escape string.
  4. .
  5. A non-escaped begin-quote which precedes a component must be matched by a non-escaped end-quote at the end of the component. Quotes embedded in non-quoted names are treated as simple characters and do not need to be matched. An unmatched quotation fails with the status code FN_E_ILLEGAL_NAME.
  6. .
  7. If there are multiple values for begin-quote and end-quote, a specific begin-quote value must be matched with its corresponding end-quote value.
  8. .
  9. When the separator appears between a (non-escaped) begin quote and the end quote, it is ignored.
  10. .
  11. When the separator is escaped, it is ignored. An escaped begin-quote or end-quote string is not treated as a quotation mark. An escaped escape string is not treated as an escape string.
  12. .
  13. A non-escaped escape string appearing within quotes is interpreted as an escape string. This can be used to embed an end-quote within a quoted string.

After constructing a compound name from a string, the resulting component atoms have one level of escape strings and quotations interpreted and consumed.

fn_ctx_get_syntax_attrs() is used to obtain the syntax attributes associated with a context.

fn_compound_name_from_syntax() is used to construct a compound name object using the string form of the name and the syntax attributes of the name.


The name supplied to the operation was not a well-formed component according to the name syntax of the context.
Code set mismatches that occur during the construction of the compound name’s string form are resolved in an implementation-dependent way. When an implementation discovers that a compound name has components with incompatible code sets, it returns this error code.
The syntax attributes supplied are invalid or insufficient to fully specify the syntax.
The syntax specified is not supported.


Most applications treat names as opaque data. Hence, the majority of clients of the XFN interface will not need to parse compound names from specific naming systems. Some applications, however, such as browsers, need such capabilities. These applications would use fn_ctx_get_syntax_attrs() to obtain the syntax-related attributes of a context and, if the context uses the XFN standard syntax model, it would examine these attributes to determine the name syntax of the context.

See Also

FN_attribute_t(3N) , FN_attrset_t(3N) , FN_compound_name_t(3N) , FN_identifier_t(3N) , FN_string_t(3N) , fn_ctx_get_syntax_attrs(3N) , xfn(3N)


The implementation of XFN in this Solaris release is based on the X/Open preliminary specification. It is likely that there will be minor changes to these interfaces to reflect changes in the final version of this specification. The next minor release of Solaris will offer binary compatibility for applications developed using the current interfaces. As the interfaces evolve toward standardization, it is possible that future releases of Solaris will require minor source code changes to applications that have been developed against the preliminary specification.

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