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ypinit - set up NIS client


/usr/sbin/ypinit [ -c ] [ -m ] [ -s master_server ]




ypinit can be used to set up an NIS client system. You must be the super-user to run this command. This script need not be used at all if ypbind(1M) is started with the -broadcast option (it is invoked with this option from the start up script /etc/init.d/rpc).

Normally, ypinit is run only once after installing the system. It may be run whenever a new NIS server is added to the network or an existing one is decommissioned.

ypinit prompts for a list of NIS servers to bind the client to; this list should be ordered from the closest to the furthest server. Each of these NIS servers must be listed in /etc/hosts along with its IP address. ypinit stores the list in file /var/yp/binding/domain/ypservers. This file is used by ypbind when run without the -broadcast option.


Set up a ypclient system.
Build a master ypserver data base.
-s master_server
Slave data base. master_server must be the same master configured in the YP maps and returned by the ypwhich -m command.



See Also

ypbind(1M) , sysinfo(2) , hosts(4)


ypinit sets up the list of NIS servers only for the current domain on the system when it is run, that is, the domain returned by the SI_SRPC_DOMAIN command to sysinfo(2) . Care should be taken to ensure that this is the same as the desired domain for NIS client processes.

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