Fundamental to the FNS model are the notions of composite names and contexts. A context provides operations for:
A context contains a set of names to reference bindings. A reference contains a list of communication end-points. Every naming operation in the FNS interface is performed on a context object.
The FNS is formed by contexts from one naming system being bound in the contexts of another naming system. Resolution of composite name proceeds from contexts within one naming system to those in the next until the name is resolved.
XFN is X/Open Federated Naming. The programming interface and policies that FNS supports are specified by XFN. See xfn(3N) and fns_policies(5) .
The syntax for composite names is that components are composed left to right using the slash character (’/’) as the component separator. For example, the composite name .../Wiz.Com/site/Oceanview.East consists of four components: ..., Wiz.COM, site, and Oceanview.East. See fns_policies(5) and fns_initial_context(5) for more examples of composite names.
FNS is useful for the following reasons:
In Solaris, the FNS implementation consists of a set of enterprise-level naming services implemented on top of NIS+, the enterprise-wide information service in Solaris. FNS provides the FNS interface for performing naming and attribute operations on FNS enterprise objects (organization, site, user, host and service objects). FNS stores bindings for these objects in NIS+ and uses them in conjunction with existing NIS+ objects.
The command fncreate creates NIS+ tables and directories in the NIS+ hierarchy associated with the domain of the host it executes on. The invoker of fncreate and other FNS commands is expected to have the necessary NIS+ credentials. See nis+(1) and nisdefaults(1) . The environment variable NIS_GROUP of the process specifies the group owner for the NIS+ objects thus created. In order to facilitate administration of the NIS+ objects, NIS_GROUP should be set to the name of the NIS+ administration group for the domain prior to executing fncreate and other FNS commands. Changes to NIS+-related properties, including default access control rights, could be effected using NIS+ administration tools and interfaces after the context has been created. The NIS+ object name that corresponds to an FNS composite name can be obtained using fnlookup and fnlist.