global context for resolving DNS or X.500 names. Synonym: /...
host context. Synonym: _thishost
the enterprise root of H. Synonym:
H’s distinguished organizational unit context. In Solaris,
this is H’s NIS+ home domain. Synonym: _thisorgunit
U’s user context.
Synonyms: _myself, thisuser
the enterprise root of U. Synonym: _myens
U’s distinguished organizational unit context. In Solaris, this
is U’s NIS+ home domain. Synonym: _myorgunit
the context in which users
in the same organizational unit as H are named. Synonym: _user
context in which hosts in the same organizational unit as H are named. Synonym:
the root context of the organizational unit namespace in H’s enterprise.
In Solaris, this corresponds to the NIS+ root domain. Synonyms: orgunit,
the root context of the site namespace in H’s enterprise,
if the site namespace has been configured. Synonym: _site
The types of objects that may be named relative to the
enterprise root are user, host, service, organizational unit, file and
site. Here are some examples of names that begin with the enterprise root.
- thisens/orgunit/
names an organizational unit in H’s enterprise.
- thisens/site/northwing.floor3.admin
names the north wing site, on the third floor of the administrations building
in H’s enterprise.
- myens/user/hdiffie
names the user hdiffie in U’s enterprise.
- myens/service/teletax
names the teletax service of U’s enterprise.
The types of objects that
may be named relative to an organizational unit name are: user, host, service,
file and site. Here are some examples of names that begin with organizational
unit names (either explicitly via org, or implicitly via thisorgunit or
myorgunit), and name objects relative to organizational unit names when
resolved in the Initial Context.
- org/
names a conference room videoconference located in the north wing of
the site associated with the organizational unit
- org/finance/user/mjones
names a user mjones in the organizational unit finance.
- org/finance/host/inmail
names a machine inmail belonging to the organizational unit finance.
- org/
names a file pub/blue-and-whites/FY92-124 belonging to the organizational
- org/
names the calendar service of the organizational unit
This might manage the meeting schedules of the organizational unit.
- thisorgunit/user/cmead
names the user cmead in H’s organizational unit.
- myorgunit/fs/pub/project_plans/
names the file pub/project_plans/ exported by U’s organizational
unit’s file system.
The types of objects that may be named relative to a
site name are users, hosts, services and files. Here are some examples of
names that begin with site names via site, and name objects relative to
sites when resolved in the Initial Context.
- site/b5.mtv/service/printer/speedy
names a printer speedy in the b5.mtv site.
- site/admin/fs/usr/dist
names a file directory usr/dist available in the site admin.
The types
of objects that may be named relative to a user name are services and files.
Here are some examples of names that begin with user names (explicitly
via user or implicitly via thisuser), and name objects relative to users
when resolved in the Initial Context.
- user/jsmith/service/calendar
names the calendar service of the user jsmith.
- user/jsmith/fs/bin/games/riddles
names the file bin/games/riddles of the user jsmith.
- thisuser/service/printer
names the printer service of U.
The types of objects that may be named
relative to a host name are services and files. Here are some examples of
names that begin with host names (explicitly via host or implicitly via
thishost), and name objects relative to hosts when resolved in the Initial
- host/mailhop/service/mailbox
names the mailbox service associated with the machine mailhop.
- host/mailhop/fs/pub/saf/archives.91
names the directory pub/saf/archives.91 found under the root directory
of the machine mailhop.
- thishost/service/printer
names the printer service of H.
, geteuid(2)
, fn_ctx_handle_from_initial(3N)
, fns(5)
, fns_policies(5)
Table of Contents