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catgets - read a program message


#include <nl_types.h>

char *catgets(nl_catd catd, int set_num, int msg_num, const char *s);




catgets() attempts to read message msg_num, in set set_num, from the message catalog identified by catd. catd is a catalog descriptor returned from an earlier call to catopen(). s points to a default message string which will be returned by catgets() if the identified message catalog is not currently available.

Return Values

If the identified message is retrieved successfully, catgets() returns a pointer to an internal buffer area containing the null terminated message string. If the call is unsuccessful for any reason, catgets() returns a pointer to s.

See Also

gencat(1) , catopen(3C) , gettext(3I) , setlocale(3C)


catgets can be used safely in a multi-thread application, as long as setlocale(3C) is not being called to change the locale.

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