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colltbl - create string collation routines


colltbl [ filename ]




The colltbl command reads locale specifications for collation order from filename, then creates a shared library composed of four functions: strxfrm(3C) , wsxfrm(3I) , strcoll(3C) , and wscoll(3I) . The last two transform their arguments and perform the comparison directly. If no input file is supplied, colltbl reads from standard input.

The name of the output file is the value you assign to the keyword codeset in filename. The superuser should install this file as /usr/lib/locale/locale/LC_COLLATE /coll.so. It must be readable and executable by user, group, and other. Application programs consult this file when the LC_COLLATE environment is set appropriately, after having called setlocale(3C) .

The colltbl command can support languages whose collating sequence can be completely described by the following cases:


The specification file consists of three types of statements:
codeset filename
filename is the name of the output file to be created by
order is order_list
order_list is a list of symbols, separated by semicolons,
that defines the collating sequence. The special symbol ... is short-hand for symbols that are lexically sequential. For example,
order is    a;b;c;d;...;x;y;z
specifies the list of lower_case letters.
Of course, this could be further shortened to a;...;z. Note that symbols surrounding ... must single character symbols; parentheses or braces are not allowed.
A symbol can be up to two bytes in length and can be represented
in any one of the following ways:
  • the symbol itself (for example, a for the lower-case letter a),
  • in octal representation (for example, \141 or 0141 for the letter a), or
  • in hexadecimal representation (for example, \x61 or 0x61 for the letter a).
  • Any combination of these may be used as well.
    The backslash character, \ , is used for continuation.
    No characters are permitted after the backslash character.
    Symbols enclosed in parenthesis are assigned the same primary ordering
    but different secondary ordering. Symbols enclosed in curly brackets are assigned only the same primary ordering. For example,

         order is    a;b;c;ch;d;(e;);f;...;z;\
    In the above example, e and are assigned the
    same primary ordering and different secondary ordering, digits 1 through 9 are assigned the same primary ordering and no secondary ordering. Only primary ordering is assigned to the remaining symbols. Notice how double letters can be specified in the collating sequence (letter ch comes between c and d).
    If a character is not included in the order is statement
    it is excluded from the ordering and will be ignored during sorting.
    substitute string with repl
    The substitute statement substitutes
    the string pattern with the string repl. This can be used, for example, to provide rules to sort abbreviated month names numerically:

         substitute "Jan" with "01"
         substitute "Feb" with "02"
         substitute "Dec" with "12"

    A simpler use of the substitute statement mentioned above
    is to substitute one character with two characters, as with the substitution of ss for ss in German.
    Null character mapping can also be performed with substitute, as follows:

         substitute "-" with ""

    The substitute statement is optional. The order is and codeset statements are required.

    Any lines in the specification file with a # in the first column are treated as comments and are ignored. Empty lines are also ignored.


    The following example shows the collation specification required to support a hypothetical telephone book sorting sequence.

    The sorting sequence is defined by the following rules:

    • Upper and lower case letters must be sorted together, but upper case letters have precedence over lower case letters.
    • All special characters and punctuation must be ignored.
    • Digits must be sorted as their alphabetic counterparts (0 as zero, 1 as one).
    • The CH, Ch, ch combinations must be collated between C and D.
    • V and W, v and w must be collated together.

    The input specification file to colltbl should contain:

         codeset    telephone
         order is    (A;a);(B;b);(C;c);(CH;Ch;ch);(D;d);(E;e);(F;f);(G;g);\
         substitute "0" with "zero"
         substitute "1" with "one"
         substitute "2" with "two"
         substitute "3" with "three"
         substitute "4" with "four"
         substitute "5" with "five"
         substitute "6" with "six"
         substitute "7" with "seven"
         substitute "8" with "eight"
         substitute "9" with "nine"


    shared library containing collation routines for locale
    or any C compiler that supports these options:

    to output dynamically linked library
    to specify output filename
    to optimize code
    -K pic
    to generate position independent code

    See Also

    memory(3C) , setlocale(3C) , strcoll(3C) , strxfrm(3C) , wscoll(3I) , wsxfrm(3I) , environ(5)


    Do not change files under the C locale, as this could cause undefined or nonstandard behavior.

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