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du - display the number of disk blocks used per directory or file



/usr/ucb/du [ -a ] [ -s ] [ filename ... ]




du gives the number of kilobytes contained in all files and, recursively, directories within each specified directory or file filename. If filename is missing, ‘.’ (the current directory) is used.

A file which has multiple links to it is only counted once.


Generate an entry for each file.
Only display the grand total for each of the specified filenames.

Entries are generated only for each directory in the absence of options.


Here is an example of using du in a directory. We used the pwd(1) command to identify the directory, then used du to show the usage of all the subdirectories in that directory. The grand total for the directory is the last entry in the display:

example% pwd
example% du
5    ./jokes
33    ./squash
44    ./tech.papers/lpr.document
217    ./tech.papers/new.manager
401    ./tech.papers
144    ./memos
80    ./letters
388    ./window
93    ./messages
15    ./useful.news
1211    .


If any of the LC_* variables ( LC_CTYPE, LC_MESSAGES, LC_TIME, LC_COLLATE, LC_NUMERIC, and LC_MONETARY ) (see environ(5) ) are not set in the environment, the operational behavior of du for each corresponding locale category is determined by the value of the LANG environment variable. If LC_ALL is set, its contents are used to override both the LANG and the other LC_* variables. If none of the above variables is set in the environment, the "C" (U.S. style) locale determines how du behaves.

Determines how du handles characters. When LC_CTYPE is set to a valid value, du can display and handle text and filenames containing valid characters for that locale. du can display and handle Extended Unix Code (EUC) characters where any individual character can be 1, 2, or 3 bytes wide. du can also handle EUC characters of 1, 2, or more column widths. In the "C" locale, only characters from ISO 8859-1 are valid.
Determines how diagnostic and informative messages are presented. This includes the language and style of the messages, and the correct form of affirmative and negative responses. In the "C" locale, the messages are presented in the default form found in the program itself (in most cases, U.S. English).

See Also

pwd(1) , df(1M) , quot(1M) , environ(5)


Filename arguments that are not directory names are ignored, unless you use -a.

If there are too many distinct linked files, du will count the excess files more than once.

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