A bibliographic reference is a set of lines, constituting fields of bibliographic information. Each field starts on a line beginning with a ‘%’, followed by a key-letter, then a blank, and finally the contents of the field, which may continue until the next line starting with ‘%’.
indxbib is a shell script that calls two programs: /usr/lib/refer/mkey and /usr/lib/refer/inv. mkey truncates words to 6 characters, and maps upper case to lower case. It also discards words shorter than 3 characters, words among the 100 most common English words, and numbers (dates) < 1000 or > 2099. These parameters can be changed.
indxbib creates an entry file (with a .ia suffix), a posting file (.ib), and a tag file (.ic), in the working directory.
indxbib does not recognize pathnames.