mk(1M) manual page
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mk - remake the binary system and commands from source code
All source code for the UNIX system is distributed in the directory /usr/src.
The directory tree rooted at /usr/src includes source code for the operating
system, libraries, commands, miscellaneous data files necessary for the
system and procedures to transform this source code into an executable
Within the /usr/src directory are the cmd, lib, uts, head, and stand
directories, as well as commands to remake the parts of the system found
under each of these sub-directories. These commands are named :mk and :mkdir
where dir is the name of the directory to be recreated. Each of these :mkdir
commands rebuilds all or part of the directory it is responsible for. The
:mk command runs each of the other commands in order and thus recreates
the whole system. The :mk command is distributed only to source code licensees.
Each command, with its associated directory, is described below.
- :mklib
- The lib directory contains the source code for the system libraries. The
most important of these is the C library. Each library is in its own sub-directory.
If any arguments are specified on the :mklib command line then only the
given libraries are rebuilt. The argument \* causes it to rebuild all libraries
found under the lib directory.
- :mkhead
- The head directory contains the source
code versions of the headers found in the /usr/include directory. The :mkhead
command installs the headers given as arguments. The argument \* causes it
to install all headers.
- :mkuts
- The uts directory contains the source code
for the UNIX Operating System. The :mkuts command takes no arguments and
invokes a series of makefiles that recreates the operating system.
- Associated
with the operating system is a set of headers that
- describe the user interface
to the operating system. The source for these headers is found in a sub-directory
within the uts directory tree. The user-accessible versions of these headers
are found in the /usr/include/sys directory. The :mksyshead command installs
these headers into the /usr/include/sys directory.
- :mkstand
- The stand directory
contains stand-alone commands and boot programs. The :mkstand command rebuilds
and installs these programs. Note that these stand-alone programs are only
applicable to the DEC
processors and are not built for any other machine.
- :mkcmd
- The cmd directory contains the source code for all the commands
available on the system. There are two types of entries within the cmd directory:
commands whose source code consists of only one file with one of the following
suffixes: .l, .y, .c, .s, .sh, or a sub-directory that contains the multiple
source files that comprise a particular command or subsystem.
Each sub-directory is assumed to have a makefile (see make(1S)
) with the
name that takes care of creating everything associated with that
directory and its sub-directories.
- The :mkcmd command transforms source code
into an executable command
- based on a set of predefined rules. If the :mkcmd
command encounters a sub-directory within the cmd directory then it runs
the makefile found in that sub-directory. If no makefile is found then an
error is reported. For single-file commands, the predefined rules are dependent
on the file’s suffix. C programs (.c) are compiled by the C compiler and loaded
stripped with shared text. Assembly language programs (.s) are assembled
and loaded stripped. Yacc programs (.y) and lex programs (.l) are processed
by yacc() and lex() respectively, before C compilation. Shell programs
(.sh) are copied to create the command. Each of these operations leaves a
command in the ./cmd directory which is then installed into a user-accessible
directory by using /usr/sbin/install.
- The arguments to :mkcmd are either
command names
- or subsystem names. Some subsystems distributed with the UNIX
system are: acct, graf, sgs, sccs, and text. Prefacing the :mkcmd command
with an assignment to the shell variable $ARGS
causes the indicated components
of the subsystem to be rebuilt.
For example, the entire sccs subsystem can
be rebuilt by:
/usr/src/:mkcmd sccs
while the delta component of sccs can be rebuilt by:
ARGS="delta" /usr/src/:mkcmd sccs
The log command, which is a part of the stat package, which is itself a
part of the graf package, can be rebuilt by:
ARGS="stat log" /usr/src/:mkcmd graf
The argument \* causes all commands and subsystems to be rebuilt.
throughout the system, and particularly in the cmd directory, have a standard
format. In particular, :mkcmd depends on each makefile having target entries
for install and clobber. The install target should cause everything over
which the makefile has jurisdiction to be built and installed by /usr/sbin/install.
The clobber target should cause a complete cleanup of all unnecessary files
resulting from the previous invocation. The commands that use the CLOBBER
environment variable are :mkcmd, :mklib, and :mkuts. These commands all
check the CLOBBER
variable before executing make clobber. If this variable
is set to OFF
, then make clobber is not performed. If the variable is not
set or is set to anything other than OFF
, the make clobber is performed.
An effort has been made to separate the creation of a command from source
and its installation on the running system. The command /usr/sbin/install
is used by :mkcmd and most makefiles to install commands in standard directories
on the system. The use of install allows maximum flexibility in the administration
of the system. The install command makes very few assumptions about where
a command is located, who owns it, and what modes are in effect. All assumptions
may be overridden on invocation of the command, or more permanently by
redefining a few variables in install. The purpose of install is to install
a new version of a command in the same place, with the same attributes
as the prior version.
In addition, the use of a separate command to perform
installation allows for the creation of test systems in other than standard
places, easy movement of commands to balance load, and independent maintenance
of makefiles.
, make(1S)
Table of Contents