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nisrm - remove NIS+ objects from the namespace


nisrm [ -if ] name...




The nisrm command removes NIS+ objects named name from the NIS+ namespace.

This command will fail if the NIS+ master server is not running.


Interactive mode. Like the system rm(1) command the nisrm command will ask for confirmation prior to removing an object. If the name specified by name is a non-fully qualified name this option is forced on. This prevents the removal of unexpected objects.
Force. The removal is attempted, and if it fails for permission reasons, a nischmod(1) is attempted and the removal retried. If the command fails, it fails silently.


Remove the objects foo, bar, and baz from the namespace.

example% nisrm foo bar baz


If this variable is set, and the NIS+ name is not fully qualified, each directory specified will be searched until the object is found (see nisdefaults(1) ).

Exit Codes

nisrm returns 0 on success and 1 on failure.

See Also

nis+(1) , nischmod(1) , nisdefaults(1) , nisrmdir(1) , nistbladm(1) , rm(1)


This command will not remove directories (see nisrmdir(1) ) nor will it remove non-empty tables (see nistbladm(1) ).

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