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nisrmdir - remove NIS+ directories


nisrmdir [ -if ] [ -s hostname ] dirname




nisrmdir deletes existing NIS+ subdirectories. It can remove a directory outright, or simply remove replicas from serving a directory.

This command modifies the object that describes the directory dirname, and then notifies each replica to remove the directory named dirname. If the notification of any of the affected replicas fails, the directory object is returned to its original state unless the -f option is present.

This command will fail if the NIS+ master server is not running.


Interactive mode. Like the system rm(1) command the nisrmdir command will ask for confirmation prior to removing a directory. If the name specified by dirname is a non-fully qualified name this option is forced on. This prevents the removal of unexpected directories.
Force the command to succeed even though it may not be able to contact the affected replicas. This option should be used when a replica is known to be down and will not be able to respond to the removal notification. When the replica is finally rebooted it will read the updated directory object, note that it is no longer a replica for that directory, and stop responding to lookups on that directory. Cleanup of the files that held the now removed directory can be accomplished manually by removing the appropriate files in the /var/nis directory (see nisfiles(4) for more information).
-s hostname
Specify that the host hostname should be removed as a replica for the directory named dirname. If this option is not present all replicas and the master server for a directory are removed and the directory is removed from the namespace.

Return Values

This command returns 0 if it is successful, and 1 otherwise.


To remove a directory bar under the foo.com. domain, one would use the command:

example% nisrmdir bar.foo.com.

To remove a replica that is serving directory bar.foo.com. one would use the command:

example% nisrmdir -s replica.foo.com. bar.foo.com.

To force the removal of directory bar.foo.com. from the namespace, one would use the command:

example% nisrmdir -f bar.foo.com.


If this variable is set, and the NIS+ directory name is not fully qualified, each directory specified will be searched until the directory is found (see nisdefaults(1) ).

See Also

nis+(1) , nisdefaults(1) , nisrm(1) , nisfiles(4)

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