nlsrequest(3N) manual page
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nlsrequest - format and send listener service request message
#include <listen.h>
int nlsrequest(int fildes, char *service_code);
extern int _nlslog, t_errno;
extern char *_nlsrmsg;
Given a virtual circuit to a listener process
(fildes) and a service code of a server process, nlsrequest() formats
and sends a service request message to the remote listener process requesting
that it start the given service. nlsrequest() waits for the remote listener
process to return a service request response message, which is made available
to the caller in the static, null terminated data buffer pointed to by
_nlsrmsg. The service request response message includes a success or failure
code and a text message. The entire message is printable.
success or failure code is the integer return code from nlsrequest(). Zero
indicates success, other negative values indicate nlsrequest() failures
as follows:
- -1
- Error encountered by nlsrequest(), see t_errno.
Positive values
are error return codes from the listener process. Mnemonics for these codes
are defined in <listen.h>.
- Request message not interpretable.
- Request service
code unknown.
- Service code known, but currently disabled.
If non-null, _nlsrmsg
contains a pointer to a static, null terminated character buffer containing
the service request response message. Note that both _nlsrmsg and the data
buffer are overwritten by each call to nlsrequest().
If _nlslog is non-zero,
nlsrequest() prints error messages on stderr. Initially, _nlslog is zero.
- /usr/lib/libnls.a
- /usr/lib/libslan.a
- /usr/lib/libnsl_s.a
nlsrequest() cannot always be certain that the remote
server process has been successfully started. In this case, nlsrequest()
returns with no indication of an error and the caller will receive notification
of a disconnect event via a T_LOOK
error before or during the first t_snd()
or t_rcv() call.
These interfaces are unsafe in multithreaded applications.
Unsafe interfaces should be called only from the main thread.
Table of Contents