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    psignal(3B) manual page Table of Contents


psignal, sys_siglist - system signal messages


/usr/ucb/cc [ flag ... ] file ...

void psignal ( sig, s)
unsigned sig;
char *s;

char *sys_siglist[];


psignal() produces a short message on the standard error file describing the indicated signal. First the argument string s is printed, then a colon, then the name of the signal and a NEWLINE . Most usefully, the argument string is the name of the program which incurred the signal. The signal number should be from among those found in <signal.h>.

To simplify variant formatting of signal names, the vector of message strings sys_siglist is provided; the signal number can be used as an index in this table to get the signal name without the newline. The define NSIG defined in <signal.h> is the number of messages provided for in the table; it should be checked because new signals may be added to the system before they are added to the table.

See Also

perror(3C) , signal(3C)


Use of these interfaces should be restricted to only applications written on BSD platforms. Use of these interfaces with any of the system libraries or in multi-thread applications is unsupported.

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