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sadmind - distributed system administration daemon


sadmind [ -c keywords ] [ -i secs ] [ -l [ logfile ] ] [ -O OW_path_name ] [ -S security_level ] [ -v ]




sadmind is the daemon used by Solstice AdminSuite applications to perform distributed system administration operations.

The sadmind daemon is started automatically by the inetd daemon whenever a request to invoke an operation is received. The sadmind daemon process continues to run for 15 minutes after the last request is completed, unless a different idle-time is specified with the -i command line option. The sadmind daemon may be started independently from the command line, for example, at system boot time. In this case, the -i option has no effect; sadmind continues to run, even if there are no active requests.

The sadmind daemon process can be configured to write tracing information into a log file by specifying the -c and -l command line options. The -c option specifies a comma-separated list of keywords indicating the types of information to be logged. The following keywords may be useful to you as an administrator:

Includes messages about when the sadmind daemon was started and stopped.
Includes messages about which operations sadmind invoked and when.
Includes messages about errors that occurred during the daemon execution.
Includes all possible log messages.

The -l option enables logging and optionally specifies the path and file name of the log file. If no log file is specified, the default log file /var/adm/admin.log is used.


The following command line options may be useful to you as an administrator when starting the sadmind daemon:
-c keywords
Specify the types of information to be logged as a comma-separated list of keywords. The default is to log all types of messages.
-i secs
Specify the number of seconds for sadmind to stay up after the last request is completed. The default is 15 minutes (900 seconds). If secs is 0 or over 10,000,000, sadmind stays up forever. -i only applies when sadmind is started by the inetd daemon. You may want sadmind to run permanently (or for extended durations) on systems that are frequently administered by applications using sadmind (for example, a server managed through Host Manager) to improve application performance.
Enable logging and optionally define the path name to the distributed system administration log file. The default log file is:
-O OW_path_name
Define the path name to the OpenWindows home directory. If this option is not specified, the sadmind daemon will use the OpenWindows home directory defined in the OPENWINHOME environment variable, if defined; the home directory specified in the /etc/OPENWINHOME file, if it exists; or the default directory /usr/openwin. When the sadmind daemon is started by the inetd daemon, the environment variable OPENWINHOME is typically not defined. If the OpenWindows home directory is not one of the path names specified (/usr/openwin or in the file /etc/OPENWINHOME ), the -O option must be added to the sadmind entry in the inetd.conf(4) configuration file.
-S security_level
Define the level of security to be used by the sadmind daemon when checking a client’s right to perform an operation on the server system. Security level specifies the authentication mechanism used to provide and check the client’s identity. The client’s identity must be authenticated by the specified mechanism for sadmind to accept his or her request. The system-wide authentication requirements set by the security level may take precedence over any operation-specific requirements. Consequently, the security level can be used system-wide to ensure that all operations meet minimum authentication requirements, regardless of the requirements assigned specifically to an operation. In addition, the security level determines whether sadmind will perform authorization access control checking.
Security level may be one of the following:
  • Set authentication type to NONE . All clients’ user and group identities are set to the nobody identity by sadmind (see Solstice AdminSuite 2.1 User’s Guide ). If access is granted to nobody, sadmind executes the operation. Use this level only for testing.
  • Set authentication type to WEAK . Clients’ user and group identities are set by sadmind from their authentication credentials. Client identities are accepted by sadmind when they have satisfied either AUTH_SYS or AUTH_DES authentication mechanisms. The authenticated client identity is checked by sadmind for authorization to execute the operation. If an operation calls for a stronger security level, sadmind demotes the user identity to nobody, and then checks whether nobody is authorized to execute the operation. Since AUTH_SYS client credentials are easily forged, this level should be used only in relatively secure environments. No check is done that the user ID of the client represents the same user on the server system as on the client system. It is assumed that user and group identities are set up consistently on the network. This security level is the default.
  • Set authentication type to STRONG . Clients’ user and group identities are set by sadmind from their authentication credential mappings (effectively, user and group IDs from netid.byname for NIS , or cred table for NIS+ ). Client identities are accepted by sadmind only when they have satisfied the AUTH_DES authentication mechanism. The sadmind daemon checks whether the client identity is authorized to execute the operation. This level provides the most secure environment for executing distributed administration operations. It overrides any weaker level specific to an operation. A DES credential must exist for the host running the sadmind daemon and all administration client user identities.

  • -v
    Enable the writing of log messages to the system logger, syslogd. Messages logged include fatal errors encountered while attempting to start the sadmind daemon process and those specified by the -c trace message keywords.


    By default, the line in /etc/inetd.conf that starts sadmind appears as follows:

    100232/10 tli rpc/udp wait root /usr/sbin/sadmind sadmind

    To make a network as secure as possible, change the line to:

    100232/10 tli rpc/udp wait root /usr/sbin/sadmind sadmind -S 2

    To minimize delays due to starting up sadmind, change the line to include the -i option:

    100232/10 tli rpc/udp wait root /usr/sbin/sadmind sadmind -i 86400

    In this example, the duration that sadmind remains up after the last operation request was completed is extended to 24 hours (86,400 seconds). Extending the timeout period may enhance performance on servers and workstations that frequently run or are administered by applications that use the sadmind daemon (for example, Solstice AdminSuite applications such as Host Manager).


    distributed system administration default log file
    internet servers database file

    See Also

    inetd(1M) , rpcbind(1M) , inetd.conf(4)

    Solstice AdminSuite 2.1 User’s Guide


    Whenever inetd fails to start sadmind, re-register the RPC number for sadmind, 100232, with rpcbind by sending the inetd process a SIGHUP signal:

    example% kill -HUP pid


    example% kill -1

    Sometimes inetd does not start sadmind in response to system administration requests, even though the inetd.conf file has the correct entry for the sadmind daemon. This can happen when sadmind is started manually from the command line and takes over the previous registration of the sadmind RPC number, 100232, by inetd. When the manually-started sadmind daemon is terminated, the sadmind RPC number, 100232, is de-registered with rpcbind. Consequently, system administration requests are ignored by inetd.

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